(Minghui.org) I am currently 40 years old, and I started to practice Falun Dafa before the onset of the persecution, which was in 1999. I was a middle school student at the time, living in a remote region. This is an ethnic minority area with few practitioners. After two friends and I started to cultivate, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the massive suppression in July 1999. I was shocked by the defamatory footage on television, but I believed that this was unrelated to Falun Dafa.

Master said:

“The issue of killing is very sensitive. For practitioners, we have set the strict requirement that they cannot kill lives.” (“Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

Practitioners follow what Master’s requires of us so we become good people. How can someone do things like that?

After I went to the city for school in 2001, I started to transfer Dafa materials from the city to my local area. It was once a week and the bus round trip took eight or nine hours. I had no time to eat, so I subsisted on instant noodles with another practitioner.

During school breaks, I distributed Dafa informational materials with local practitioners. Not long after that, the practitioner in the city was arrested and police officers tracked me down. I was taken from school to the police department. Out of fear, I wrote a statement renouncing my belief before returning to school. During school break, local officers took me to the police station, and then the county police department. Some officers slapped my face and frightened me with pistols.

I subsequently continued school and found a job after graduation, followed by marriage and having a child. Life was unpleasant for many years. All kinds of stress in life made me exhausted. Also numerous illnesses made things even worse, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, and stomach problems. I went to major hospitals in big cities regularly for treatment. My hair fell out and my temper deteriorated. I often argued with my wife and beat her. Life was miserable.

But in my heart, I always knew that Dafa was good, and that Dafa taught me the purpose of life. I also tried to resume cultivating, but there were no practitioners around me and my family was strongly against it. So I did not continue practicing and wasted many years.

One day during the pandemic in 2022, I suddenly had pain in my stomach and an examination in the county hospital showed pancreatitis. A doctor performed some treatments and referred me to another hospital in the provincial city. Because of the pandemic lockdown, emergency vehicles from the county hospital could not transfer me. One friend with connections contacted an emergency vehicle from a city hospital to take me from the county hospital to the provincial hospital. I was taken to the ICU, and was given medication as well as intravenous infusions. It was very painful.

Lying in the hospital, I reflected on the past years. My health was poor and my family was worried about me. My salary was low and it all went to the hospital. That was not enough and we accumulated lots of debt. I could not imagine how we would pay the medical bill this time. After thinking of all my problems, I called a practitioner that I knew during childhood. I said to him, “I want to cultivate.” I also asked my child to send the Dafa music (Pudu and Jishi) saved on my computer to my phone. Listening to the familiar Dafa music, I cried. Looking through the window, I felt as if Master was watching me from a distance.

I kept running a fever during those days and I listened to Dafa music whenever I was awake. I firmly believed in Master, and I knew I would be fine. I did not take any fever medicine and I no longer had a fever.

I returned home after one month in the hospital. I was extremely weak and weighed less than 50 kilograms (110 pounds). I discarded the hepatitis medicines that I used to take every day and fully trusted Master – I would be a genuine Dafa practitioner after all.

My wife did not say no since she had observed a miracle when she watched me in the hospital. With no other practitioners around me, I used some VPN tools and found Falun Dafa websites. I downloaded Dafa books as well as software tools to break through the internet blockade. Following the instructions, I learned how to print Zhuan Falun and other lectures by Master, and turn them into books.

I am very thankful that Master has not abandoned me. After practicing cultivation for the past one year or so, I have fully recovered and my body has weight returned to normal – 65 kilograms (or 143 pounds). Not only did I experience physical improvement, the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance also changed me into a good person. My hot temper disappeared and I often help my wife with household chores. When there are conflicts, instead of arguing with her, I forbear with a smile. My family has become harmonious. We all know that this is the power of Dafa. Thank you Master Li.

Compared to Dafa practitioners, I still have a long way to go. I feel more or less like an elementary student. I have many attachments, and am sometimes frustrated as to why the capacity of my heart is so small. I am also nervous because I have not done the three things well to help save people. But I have decided to do better and return with Master to my heavenly home.

Seeing the call for submissions for the World Falun Dafa Day celebration, I decided to write this article. I know I have done rather poorly, but I will share my experience, thank Master Li, and validate Falun Dafa.

These are my limited understandings. Please point out anywhere inconsistent with Dafa teachings.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)