(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners were once again invited to the parade held by the Bristol Fourth of July Committee, which hosts America’s oldest continuous Fourth of July celebration.

Practitioners from Rhode Island and Massachusetts joined the 239th annual parade held on July 4, 2024. The two-mile-long parade attracted spectators from around the nation.

Bristol is located in the eastern part of Rhode Island, and is adjacent to Massachusetts. Bristol, Rhode Island, is the first place in the United States that celebrated Independence Day. The first event was organized in 1785 by Henry Wight, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War. At that time, the celebration he organized was called Patriotic Exercises, intended to commemorate the contributions of soldiers in the American Revolutionary War to American independence. Since then, Patriotic Exercises have been held every year on July 4th.

This year’s parade is Bristol’s 239th Independence Day parade. The atmosphere was lively, and the historic town was decorated with the American flag’s red, white, and blue colors, including road dividers, and people’s clothing. Almost every house along the parade route was decorated with American flags or red, white and blue decorations.

Falun Dafa practitioners’ float in the 239th Fourth of July Parade in Bristol, Rhode Island

This year the practitioner’s entry featured a team that demonstrated the standing Falun Dafa exercises and a beautifully decorated float. The float featured practitioners dressed as celestial maidens meditating and some did the traditional Chinese long ribbon dance.

When the Falun Dafa float passed the live broadcast stage, the host introduced them and said, “This is the Falun Dafa float, bringing peace and beauty. Falun Dafa exercises include four standing exercises and one sitting meditation. The main principles of the practice are Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Look at how beautiful their float is.”

The Falun Dafa float won the “Most Beautiful Float” award in the 2018 Rhode Island Independence Day parade. While practitioners in China are still being cruelly persecuted, overseas practitioners can freely practice their faith in other countries. Every time practitioners are invited to participate in this event, they celebrate the treasured values of independence, freedom, and equality in the United States, further highlighting their extraordinary sacredness and beauty.

Practitioners were greeted with applause and cheers along the parade route, and some people called out, “Falun Dafa!” Some imitated their movements as practitioners demonstrated the exercises.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

People follow along to learn the exercise movements

People cheered throughout the parade. The lotus flowers made by practitioners were very popular; thousands of handmade lotus flowers were handed out before the parade was even halfway through.