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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Chiayi, Taiwan Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year

Jan. 4, 2025 |   By Minghui correspondents in Chiayi, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) On the first day of 2025, Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in Chiayi City's Zhongshan Park to respectfully wish the practice's founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, a happy New Year. They put their hands together to express their gratitude to Master for his benevolent salvation from the bottom of their hearts. They exclaimed in unison, “Falun Dafa practitioners in Chiayi, Taiwan, respectfully wish Master a happy New Year! Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

Falun Dafa practitioners in Chiayi, Taiwan respectfully wish Master a happy New Year.

Falun Dafa practitioners in Chiayi, Taiwan respectfully wish Master a happy New Year

Because Falun Dafa has great results in improving one’s moral integrity and health, the practice attracted many people. Taiwan is second to China for having the most Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners come from all walks of life and ages. Falun Dafa’s teachings have not only benefited them, but also their families. As the New Year begins, practitioners expressed their utmost gratitude for Falun Dafa and Master, described how they improved their xinxing in their cultivation, and shared the goodness of Falun Dafa with others.

Believing in Master and the Fa, Letting Go of Attachments

Ms. Xiu Qin, 84, has practiced Falun Dafa for 18 years. She often caught colds and always had discomfort somewhere in her body. She also had trouble calming down. After studying the Fa and cultivating herself, Ms. Xiu Qin understood that she needs to let go of her attachments, and cultivate herself based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. She needed to calm down and return to her original, true self.

Ms. Xiu Qin (right) and her daughter, who teaches at a junior high school and is also a practitioner, wish Master a happy New Year.

Ms. Xiu Qin accidentally fell last November, injured her leg, and could not walk. Her son was worried that she might not recover due to her age. Even though she was bedridden, Ms. Xiu tried her best to study the Fa and practice the exercises. She maintained righteous thoughts and was steadfast in her belief in Master and the Fa. She said, “I was confident and kept encouraging myself to persist in my cultivation. During this more than a decade of cultivation, our entire family benefited from Dafa. We are healthy and our xinxing improved.” Ms. Xiu Qin has fully recovered. She is able to walk normally and she goes to the park to do the exercises with the other practitioners.

A Family Wishes to Tell Tourists How Great Falun Dafa Is

Ms. Ruo Lan from Chiayi owns a restaurant near the Guanyin Falls tourist site and she began practicing Falun Dafa more than 20 years ago. She tells her customers how good Falun Dafa is and exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. Ms. Ruo puts out information in her restaurant for tourists to read and take. Many tourists thus understood the facts and say that Falun Dafa is good.

Restaurant owner Ms. Ruo Lan said she wishes to tell people that Falun Dafa is good.

Due to the hectic work at her restaurant, Ms. Ruo seldom has much time to exchange cultivation experiences with her family; sometimes they have differences or conflicts. After looking within, Ms. Ruo understood Master’s teaching about conforming to ordinary people as much as possible while cultivating, putting others before oneself in all circumstances, not being self-centered and treating others with compassion. She adjusted herself, and her relationship with her husband and family gradually improved. The atmosphere became harmonious and there is also laughter in the kitchen. The whole family shares the same wish to let tourists know that Falun Dafa is good.

After studying the Fa and exchanging cultivation thoughts with fellow practitioners, Ms. Ruo found her shortcomings, understood the depth of Dafa’s content and became more steadfast in her confidence in cultivation.

In order to thank Master for his benevolence, Ms. Ruo came to the mountainous area to convey her New Year greetings and said, “I respectfully wish Master a happy New Year.”

Always Thinking of Others

Ms. Rou Jing, who has practiced Falun Dafa for 15 years, is a retired primary school teacher. She said, “More than a decade ago, by chance, I found a path that guides my life. That is Falun Dafa. Before cultivating, I searched for all sorts of religions to find a way to escape from birth, old age, illness and death but to no avail. I felt empty and my questions could not be answered. I was fortunate to read the book Zhuan Falun and I was shocked when I realized that it is a heavenly book that can help me reach the Heavens. I understood why people are here on Earth and my role and mission in coming here.”

Ms. Rou Jing said, “I respectfully wish Master a happy new year! Thank you, Master, for your salvation!”

Ms. Rou said she had a bad temper and was impatient. As a teacher, she emphasized efficiency and results, and often placed strict demands on her students. Because she compared them with others and ignored their feelings, she put them under great pressure. She said, “Master taught us to look within and think of others in all matters. All the people, matters and things around us are there for us to improve our xinxing. I used to insist on being number one in everything. Now, I have learned to take things naturally. I no longer compete with others. If it is yours, I will not fight for it. If it’s not mine, I don’t want it. I also let go of all those troubles in my mind that made me worried and scared.”

After she began practicing Falun Dafa, her students asked her, “Teacher, why have you become so gentle? We are really not used to it!” Her daughter also said, “Mom, you no longer scold people! Dafa is really miraculous!” Her daughter also became obedient and learned to be tolerant and giving. She became independent and sensible, as well. She said, “I really want to thank Master for his teachings and watching over us!”

As the new year approaches, Ms. Rou thanks Master for his benevolent salvation from the bottom of her heart. She cherishes this opportunity and truly hopes that more people will know how good Falun Dafa is, assimilate to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and become more compassionate so that society is more harmonious and peaceful.

In sending her new year’s greetings to benevolent, great Master, Ms. said, “I respectfully wish Master a happy New Year! Today, I am lucky to cultivate in Falun Dafa and I thank Master for his benevolent salvation!”