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Practicing Falun Dafa Transforms Despair into Hope

Feb. 22, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) My family suffered a devastating disaster in 1998. Our house burned down and we lost everything, including all my hard earned savings. I couldn’t calm down and I wept bitterly day after day. None of my relatives could comfort me, and they cried with me.

My sister, along with some relatives and friends, helped my family find shelter. They also gave us money, food, and bedding. But as the saying goes, “misfortunes come in groups.” Just as we settled in, we were hit by a severe flood. Not only was our place flooded, the rice field was also flooded, and we lost all our plants. The old pig that I counted on to give birth to piglets to raise some money fractured her legs. Struck by this series of disasters, I felt hopeless, and as if the sky was falling. I cried miserably. My husband tried to calm me, but my father-in-law saw my pain and suggested they just let me cry out my grievances.

When my life seemed in complete despair, my neighbor told me about Falun Dafa. I declined her kind offer to show me how to practice because all I could think about was how to survive.

I Begin Practicing

My younger sister started to practice Dafa. A few months later, she invited me to watch Master Li Hongzhi's video lecture series. I declined, but my father-in-law encouraged me to go and take a look. So I reluctantly went.

I watched the video of Master’s Fa teachings in Beijing, and met four practitioners who shared their cultivation experiences with me. One of them was a public security officer. He said that there would be no need for police if everyone practiced Falun Dafa and behaved according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I felt Falun Dafa was good so I decided to practice.

My younger sister gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, Falun Dafa’s main book. I’d only attended a couple of years of grade school, so I had difficulty reading. My husband was an elementary school teacher. He read the book and told me that I should try to read it. So I tried to read the book and asked him to tell me the words I didn’t know.

My sister was paralyzed and bedridden for two years, but was able to get out of bed after she practiced Falun Dafa. Her husband was a Chinese medicine doctor. He tried to treat his own illness and failed, but he also recovered after practicing Falun Dafa. Seeing how my sister recovered, another younger sister and her husband decided to practice.

I blamed the gods for my misfortunes, but Dafa untied the knot in my heart. Now, my family often studies the Fa and practices the exercises together. We also share our cultivation experiences. After studying the Fa more, I understand the principles of Dafa better. I know now that the huge disasters my family suffered in 1998 were to repay the debts we owed from previous lifetimes.

The more I practiced, the better I felt. Eventually, I was able to read all the words in Zhuan Falun and I decided to memorize the Fa. It was very difficult in the beginning and I kept forgetting the sentences I already memorized. I felt anxious and blamed myself for being stupid. I silently told Master that I would continue no matter what, and I asked for help.

Suddenly, I saw a bouquet of white flowers on bright blue branches in front of me. I knew that Master was encouraging me, so I worked even harder to memorize the Fa. I silently recited the Fa wherever I went, even while I worked in the field. I’ve now memorized Zhuan Falun five times.

Blessings from Dafa

Dafa practitioners’ mission is to save sentient beings. One day, my brother-in-law came to my house. I said that millions of Chinese already quit the Chinese Communist Party. I also told him that he would be blessed if he recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

He didn’t pay any attention to me and lay down to rest. My father-in-law showed him how the tumor on his neck disappeared after he recited the phrases repeatedly. My brother-in-law quickly sat up and said he wished to quit the CCP.

My father-in-law was not a practitioner, but he believed in Dafa. He was supportive of my practice and told people good things about Dafa. I believe that Master blessed him, because my father-in-law saw Falun (law wheels) twice! He did not suffer at all when he died. Not long after he passed away, my husband dreamed that his father was living in a beautiful world filled with mountains, trees, and water.

My husband has also been very supportive of my practice. I go out with other practitioners to market places in various towns to clarify the facts about the persecution. We had to hire cabs, and my husband always gave me money for this. When I came home he asked me how many people I talked to.

One time, my husband stepped on the sofa to hang something on the window and fell backwards. He hit his head and passed out. When he regained consciousness, he told me he said in his mind, “Master, please save me!” Then he felt fine, as if nothing happened. When I got home, I saw a bump as big as an egg on his head. We both thanked Master.

Over the years I’ve been doing the three things Master asked us to do. I not only distributed truth-clarifying materials, but also talked to people face to face on the street. I will fulfill my prehistoric vow, and return home with Master.

Thank you Master, for your compassion and salvation!