(Minghui.org) I’ll be 60 years old in 2025 and I’ve worked in many different occupations. I co-owned a cafe when I was 21 years old, I also owned a hair salon for 11 years. I previously worked as a sales manager for an international media company and was an international anchor. I was a host for a local community television program and twice ran as a council candidate.
I’m the great-granddaughter of a high ranking Christian Orthodox priest, and some of my family members are priests. My family stressed morality and virtue, and I attended church with my young son during the years prior to 1999. I once stayed in a monastery overnight for Bible studies. However, many of my questions were not answered.
My life changed drastically in 1999. My marriage fell apart, and my family criticized me. I suffered a mental breakdown and was hospitalized. I wanted to be strong again for my son so I started searching for help through community groups. I met my current husband through a mutual friend and he suggested I try Chinese medicine. I took Chinese medicines for two years but they did not help. I went to another doctor who told me I had congested energy and suppressed anger.
I started to see an acupuncturist, but she said she could not cure the root of my illnesses. Her words struck me and I knew I needed to find the fundamental cause of my illnesses.
I had another mental breakdown and was hospitalized once again in 2004. My acupuncturist suggested that I practice Tibetan yoga. I hesitated but decided to give it a try that Saturday. However, fate had other plans for me.
I attended a funeral on a Friday in 2004, the day before I was supposed to learn Tibetan yoga. I met the son of the man whose funeral I attended and he was a hair stylist who worked in Hollywood. He radiated serenity and I was impressed by how he consoled others. His compassionate demeanor contrasted with his brother, who was hurt, sad and bitter.
I heard that his mother also divorced when he was young. So his experience was similar to my son’s. This man had the same name as my son. His family was from the same town that my parents came from, in Greece. He was also a hairstylist like I was. I felt our similarities were not coincidental.
He explained that practicing Falun Dafa helped him, and said Falun Dafa was a high-level spiritual practice and he gave me a flyer. His words resonated with me, and I wanted to know more. When I learned that Falun Dafa was being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I knew without a doubt that this practice was good.
I contacted the person listed on the Falun Dafa flyer. The woman was very kind, and asked if anything troubled me. I told her that I had to separate from my son due to my long commute to work and I was estranged from my family members. The more I tried to mend the relationship, the worse it got. I was under a lot of stress. When she mentioned the word karma, I immediately understood that I may have treated my family unfairly in a past life. I immediately knew that I wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa. After discussing it with my husband, we decided to go to the practice site the next day at Box Hill Gardens and learn the exercises.
I remember clearly the next morning as I got ready, I told myself, “This is it! I think I found it!”
After being taught the slow and gentle Falun Dafa exercises including the sitting meditation, I offered to pay. A practitioner said this practice is passed on from person to person and was free of charge. I was so grateful and touched that I wept. My husband and I feel we are fortunate to practice Falun Dafa.
Now I always carry Falun Dafa informational flyers in my bag just like the one I received 21 years ago.
Tina Sofos said she experienced many positive changes after she began practicing Falun Dafa.
I also started to read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. The book answered my questions about life and much more. I knew this book was good because it guided people to abide by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I completely resonate with these principles. I have new understandings each time I read Zhuan Falun, and this encourages me to continue reading.
I was hospitalized for a week before I began practicing Falun Dafa and I met with a psychologist each week. The psychologist noticed significant changes in me after I practiced Falun Dafa. My mental clarity and stability amazed her as she looked at her previous notes about my meltdown. When she asked what happened I told her about Falun Dafa. She told me to keep practicing. A few weeks later she said I no longer needed the medications or to see her. She called me a year later and asked what exactly helped me because she was hospitalized and needed help.
I suffered many hardships before I began practicing Falun Dafa. I married when I was 20 years old and my family disowned me. Hoping to solve my problems I read many self-help books and went to a couple of psychic healing sessions. Nothing changed, and things got worse.
If I hadn’t found Falun Dafa, I may not have survived to this day to share my story.
I continue to improve myself and my environment since I began practicing. I’ve become emotionally stronger, clearer and calmer—this not only benefited me but rectified my relationship with my family.
I learned how to look inward and search for answers to my trials and tribulations. I’ve identified human notions and I’ve been able to see the root causes of my behavior. If something moves me psychologically now, I understand that it’s an opportunity for me to let go of my attachments.
For example, “being judged” was one of my attachments. I always cared about what my family thought of me. I was actually also judging myself and I believed somewhere in my subconscious that I didn’t deserve to be loved by them. Once I enlightened to this, I forgave myself compassionately and let go of my attachment to “being judged.” My relationship with my family immediately improved.
I also identified and let go of other attachments including anger, resentment, impatience, guilt, worry and fear. I felt lighter, stronger and more confident when I let go of these attachments. It is explained in Zhuan Falun that our karma gets eliminated and we become more aligned with the characteristics of the universe, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This is a manifestation of our true selves returning to our true origin.
In the midst of an ordeal, I was quietly being tempered by Forbearance. I realized it’s not weakness to forbear, as it takes strength to have self restraint. I try to not react or argue and kindly clarify the matter when I’m accused.
Tina Sofos and her husband are grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation.
I feel revitalized and energetic. I’m often told that I look younger than my actual age. One employer did not believe me and accused me of lying to get higher pay.
A security guard at an airport in Switzerland said I looked younger than the birth date on my passport. I smiled and gave him a Falun Dafa flyer to explain why I look younger than my age.
Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, people were drawn to me and told me their problems. It sometimes became too much—I felt overwhelmed and drained. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, people still told me about their issues. However, I no longer feel burdened, and I’m able to listen with compassion. My family members noticed that I was kind and talked with me while praising my compassion. My coworkers say I’m calm and that I have exceptional patience.
Falun Dafa entered my life during my darkest moments, and rescued me. I’m forever grateful for this precious opportunity to practice Falun Dafa.
I wanted to share my story with you from the bottom of my heart.