(Minghui.org) A 59-year-old woman in Huludao City, Liaoning Province was arrested on March 2, 2025 for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Zhu Yun is currently held at the Huludao City Detention Center. Prior to her latest arrest, she previously served 23 months of forced labor (October 2000 – September 2002) and six years in prison (July 2014 – July 2020). She was brutally tortured in prison and given toxic drugs. She developed a mental disorder as a result, but managed to gradually recover after she was released from prison. The police however picked up her off the street on March 2, 2025 for her faith again.

Past Persecution

Ms. Zhu has had many ups and downs over the past 20-plus years. She became a design engineer after graduating from college in 1989. She also enjoyed a happy marriage. But her health went downhill after she gave birth to her child in 1992. She did not have the strength to work and relied on medication to keep going. She took up Falun Gong, an ancient spiritual and meditation practice, in 1997, and fully recovered shortly afterward.

However, her renewed happy life ended in two years after the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. She was given a forced labor term of one and a half years after going to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in October 2000.

During her labor camp term, Ms. Zhu was subjected to intensive brainwashing and constantly ordered to renounce Falun Gong. Sometimes she was deprived of sleep and forced to squat, or sit on a small stool for long hours.

Because she held fast to Falun Gong, the authorities extended Ms. Zhu’s term by five months and released her in September 2002. She wasn’t allowed to go home but was taken to a brainwashing center set up by her workplace. She was held there for another month. Since she still refused to renounce Falun Gong, Ms. Zhu was fired from work shortly after. Due to the pressure of the persecution, her husband divorced her.

Ms. Zhu later married Mr. Huang Lizhong, also a Falun Gong practitioner, in 2006. Unfortunately, he was arrested in August 2008 and tortured to death in prison two years later, in October 2010, at the age of 45.

Ms. Zhu was arrested again in July 2014 and later sentenced to six years, which eventually caused her to suffer a mental breakdown. See the first related report below for details of her suffering in prison.

Related Reports:

Former Design Engineer Suffers Mental Disorder After Six Years of Prison Torture and Involuntary Drug Administration

Six Huludao Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Tried and Sentenced

More Than One Hundred Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Strictly Controlled Area of the Notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to Be Persecuted

Persecution Facts of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Second Women's Section of the Masanjia Labor Camp

What I Know about the Persecution at the No. 2 Women's Camp in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Partial Records Testify to the Terrible Persecution of Practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp from 2004 to 2006