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Witnessing How Amazing Falun Dafa Is

March 2, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shanghai, China

(Minghui.org) I’m in my 70s, and I only attended school up to the third grade. When I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, I had difficulty reading Zhuan Falun. Whenever I came across words I didn’t know, I asked someone to help. I can now read the entire book and also Master’s new articles.

I learned how to browse the Minghui website. After reading other practitioners’ cultivation articles, I wanted to share my own experiences to thank Master. I couldn’t fulfill this wish due to my lack of education. But I met a practitioner recently who was willing to help me.

Inspired to Practice Falun Dafa

My nephew was an idle playboy who didn’t listen to his parents. Because he smoked and drank, his teeth were bad, and he was skinny.

When this nephew helped me move in 1997, I was dumbfounded: His skin was fair, he’d gained weight, and he was soft-spoken. I was shocked! When I asked my sister about him, she told me her son had started practicing a form of qigong. What kind of qigong was it? It’s hard to change a person’s nature, so it was incredible that a qigong practice could turn a good-for-nothing into a good person. I wanted to practice it as well.

After I learned that my nephew practiced Falun Dafa, I decided to practice.

Falun Dafa Is Amazing

I was in poor health and usually coughed eight months out of the year. I coughed so hard at night that the neighbors in the next apartment heard me. I also had sciatica, stomach problems, and tracheitis, and I weighed less than 100 pounds.

When I began practicing, I did not know that Falun Dafa could resolve illnesses, so I did not think about being healed. I had some amazing experiences.

When I first started practicing and read Zhuan Falun, each word glowed; sometimes entire lines of words turned gold, purple, or green.

At that time, we still could do the exercises in a group. When I did the second exercise, I felt that I floated up into the air several times. Through my celestial eye, I also saw a big eye, and many other amazing things. I also experienced some of the things mentioned in Master’s lectures. The things that Master talked about in the Fa are true. A few months after I began practicing, all my health problems disappeared and I gained 30 pounds. I was illness-free and my body felt light.

Thank you, Master, for guiding me to obtain this precious Dafa. I’m truly grateful. Thank you for your saving grace! Every time I think about Master, I can’t hold back my tears. I am so fortunate.

Helping People Quit the CCP

I began clarifying the facts to my family, relatives, friends, and neighbors and then talked to other people about Falun Dafa. I’d like to give a few examples.

In one household, six family members were Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members. I found opportunities to talk to each one of them and offered to help them quit the CCP. Four agreed, one moved out before I could talk to him, and one turned me down. However, I didn’t give up on that last one and kept talking to him. He finally agreed to quit a year later.

He couldn’t find a suitable match for his son. After he quit the CCP, his son quickly found one. It shows that people receive blessings when they quit the Party. One of my daughters and her husband had a hard time making a profit with their business. After they decided to quit the CCP, they not only turned a profit, but their business expanded. Their child also did well.

While my husband was hospitalized for over 10 days, I talked with his caregiver and we became friends. I treated her with kindness and sincerity, and she agreed to renounce her membership in the Young Pioneers. I also talked to everyone in the ward, including the patients’ families. One patient’s grandson was a police officer. I told him that he shouldn’t persecute practitioners. He agreed. I also talked to people in the other wards about Dafa.

Because my son-in-law’s sister and brother-in-law were CCP members, all they’d heard about Falun Dafa was that practitioners were persecuted, their homes were ransacked, and so on. They avoided me, but I looked for an opportunity to save them. One time, I happened to meet them at my son-in-law’s. With no negative thoughts, I talked to them. The sister agreed to quit the Youth League, and his brother-in-law quit the Party.

Eliminating My Resentment and Jealousy

We wanted to build a house in 1989. My mother-in-law favored her youngest son and asked us to include space for him. This meant we had to double the size we originally planned on. In the end, we built an over 3,000-square-foot home, which greatly exceeded our financial and material resources. It was hard, and my husband’s family didn’t contribute a penny.

Before I began cultivating, when I saw that my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law weren’t grateful, I resented them and complained about them in front of my husband. When my parents-in-law passed away, we had to help pay for the funeral, but their inheritance wasn’t shared with us.

After I began cultivating and read what Master said about resentment, my feelings of being treated unfairly vanished. I greeted them and clarified the facts so they could be saved.

I’m still far from meeting Master’s requirements. However, I’ve increasingly realized the importance of cultivating myself solidly. Now, as soon as I discover any negative thoughts, I eliminate them. I will follow Master’s words, cultivate myself, do the three things well, and follow Master to return home.