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What I Learned from Breaking My Attachment to My Cellphone

March 2, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) There have been more than 20 articles published on Minghui about breaking the addition to cellphones and getting back to our best cultivation state. In those articles, practitioners have clearly explained, based on their understandings of the Fa, the harm of being addicted to computers, television, and cellphones. I believe they have helped practitioners to recognize their attachments in this regard.

It was only after reading these articles carefully that I fully realized that the addiction to technology is a form of demonic persecution. I’ve noticed that other practitioners I know are trapped in the so-called “Three Demon Caves of Modern Times” and can’t extricate themselves. As such, I feel that I should recommend that all Dafa practitioners in China take a serious look at these articles. Those who don’t look at Minghui often or don’t have access to it can read a compilation of those articles in Minghui Weekly to clearly understand the harmfulness of this electronic evil. We have faced such cruel persecution by the old forces and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We’ve made it this far, so we shouldn’t fall at the end and waste our achievements in cultivation.

I would like to share my recent experience.

In 2017, I had to install WeChat on my cellphone for work. I knew that it wasn’t good, but I wasn’t completely clear on how just harmful it was. At first, I was able to control myself, and I didn’t look at anything other than my work tasks. But slowly, I started watching news about the Chinese regime’s corruption and gradually became less vigilant. I even made excuses for myself: I was just collecting news about corruption because I thought it would help to clarify the truth to people.

After a while, I had to find some news every day to post on WeChat, and I also interacted with non-practitioner friends that I think have a sense of justice. What I didn’t expect was that, over the past few years, it had almost reached the point where I couldn’t live without my phone. I was obsessed with news and shopping. I also developed some physical problems: a cough, loss of vision and hearing, difficulty with studying the Fa, and falling asleep when sending righteous thoughts. Even so, I didn’t realize that this was the scourge of being obsessed with cellphones. I tried many times to break my cellphone addiction, but before I knew it, I always found an excuse to pick it up again.

One day, I had severe pain in my heart and I felt dizzy. My family took me to the hospital. After a series of tests, the doctor told my family, “He is old, but he is very fit and has no underlying conditions. All of his test results are good. How can he still be infected and have a fever?” It dawned on me that Master was giving me a hint that this was not where I should be.

I said to my family, “Let’s leave.”

After I was discharged from the hospital, several practitioners sent me a copy of Minghui Weekly that had a compilation of articles on cellphone addiction. I was ashamed to read it! Many practitioners have long understood this problem thoroughly, and they have already issued a warning by writing these articles! This addiction is more powerful than drugs! Drugs are drugs that you clearly know are drugs that you can’t touch, but this cellphone addiction lures you with all kinds of guises! It’s a devil in disguise! It’s horrible!

Recently, several practitioners in our area have become paralyzed. I believe that their addiction to reading online novels and WeChat may be to blame. I believe some Dafa practitioners passed away and got very ill because they were addicted to novels. They all knew that it was caused by their addiction to cellphones, but they could not quit.

Actually, if I think about it seriously: Everything in this celestial body and universe was created by Dafa, and the Three Realms and human beings were all created for Fa-rectification. This moment is extremely precious. What is our purpose here? And what an honor it is for us to become a Dafa disciple! I have overcome the evil storm. I almost fell and I felt really ashamed.