(Minghui.org) Growing up, I was always in poor health. I had low blood pressure, severe anemia, cramps in my hands and feet, and worst of all, sinusitis. When I was three years old, two tumors appeared in my nostrils, and they got larger as I got older. As a result, the airways of my nose became more and more restricted, and I had to keep my mouth open to breathe, even while sleeping.

If I walked fast, I would get dizzy and see stars. I visited the hospital four times for my headaches, and even underwent a procedure where a big four-pronged silver needle was inserted through my nostrils all the way to my brain. If I hadn’t later begun practicing Falun Gong, I might have become mentally impaired.

After graduating from high school, I landed a job at a cement factory and spent my days working with cement. Over the years, I inhaled a lot of dust, which, combined with my severe sinusitis, led to lung scarring. As a result, breathing became difficult, and my hands and feet were always cold.

I also struggled with anemia and fainted three or four times a week on average. My husband worked out of town, leaving me at home with our child. I was tormented by these ailments every day, and I often wondered if there was a god or Buddha who could take pity on me, as my suffering felt unbearable.

One day in 1996, my five-year-old daughter told me that there was a grand master nearby, dressed in yellow, who was healing people. She urged me, “Mom, get up quickly! There’s a grand master who is healing people. You should go and get cured so you can play with me.” She pulled me out of bed, picked up a mat, and led me to where the grand master was.

We arrived at a newly constructed house, but instead of finding a grand master, we saw a group of people sitting together reading a book. In a daze, I lay down on a bench and listened to them. Gradually, I started to feel less disoriented and was able to sit up. One of the people said to me, “This is Falun Gong. If you want to learn, come to the school at five o’clock tomorrow morning and practice with us.” I agreed.

The next morning, I arrived at 5 a.m. as promised. As soon as I began learning the exercises, I had a vision of another dimension. I saw a magnificent grand palace filled with beautiful and wondrous things, and Master Li, Falun Gong's founder, was sitting on a lotus flower. I saw fairy maidens floating down, carrying vases on their heads—colorful and graceful.

When I tried to look closely, the vision disappeared, but when I relaxed, it appeared again. I watched the scene for three days in a row, and each time it lasted for a long while. I found it utterly fascinating. On my walk home after practicing, I felt as if I was floating. The sensation was incredibly comforting.

I later took a bus to attend a Fahui about two hours away, where everyone shared their understanding of the Fa. With thousands of people gathered, the energy was incredibly strong. I felt that Master was cleansing my body.

On my way back, I vomited a large amount of blood, along with some black substance, and it felt as though I was about to vomit my bile. Despite this, I remained calm and had no fear. Afterward, I felt a significant relief in my lungs.

While watching Master’s lecture one day, I felt Master cleansing my body once again. From that moment on, I no longer experienced shortness of breath. After a short period of studying the Fa and practicing, all my illnesses disappeared, and I felt the joy of being free from disease. I realized that Master had been watching over me since I was born; otherwise, I would have died long ago. Dafa had reshaped me into a completely new person.

Helping People Learn the Truth

Jiang Zemin and the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Lies were spread around the world to poison people. Many people believed these lies, saying things like, “You are against the Party, while the Party pays your salary.” I was very sad to hear people saying this.

I clarified the facts to the people around me, and told them that Falun Gong teaches us to be good people, considerate of others. I also told them that Falun Gong teaches us to look inward and do better next time if we fall short, and to not fight with others, but instead treat everyone with kindness.

A person once said, “We’re so thirsty servicing the equipment here. I heard Falun Gong practitioners are good people. Can you go up to the mountain and fetch us some spring water to drink?” I said, “Yes” and took two ten-pound buckets to fetch water.

When I returned, they said, “Falun Gong practitioners are indeed kind.” They also remarked that society would be much better if people were all like Falun Gong practitioners. Later, when they ran into me again, they shouted, “Falun Gong is good!” I was really happy for them.

Later, I was transferred to a new position where I was responsible for tracking product statistics for each work unit and reporting them to management daily. A few years later, the workplace went through a downsizing process, reducing from thirty employees to six. As a result, everyone became busy handling the workload of thirty people.

The manager assigned the responsibility of product statistics to a supervisor who was in poor health. The manager asked me to cover for the supervisor until the overhaul was complete, and I agreed.

I handled the additional duties for more than six months, but the manager never arranged for anyone to take over. I reminded myself that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and a good person, so I persevered.

One day, I was going to be unavailable, so I asked the supervisor to handle the product statistics for me. The next day, however, the supervisor suggested that I buy him dinner as a thank you. Before I could respond, a coworker spoke up and said, “You’ve been covering for him for half a year, but he hasn’t even treated you once. It doesn’t seem like he appreciates your help. Just ignore him and let him go to the manager.”

The supervisor immediately went to the manager. Shortly after, the manager came to me and said, “Starting tomorrow, you don’t have to handle product statistics anymore. You should take a break and let him (the supervisor) do it. You’ve been doing it for such a long time without complaining. This shows your forbearance as a Falun Gong practitioner. I admire you.” He gave me two thumbs up and added, “Thank you.”

Whenever there was an overhaul, I took the lead in participating, striving to set a good example, no matter how tiring or dirty the work was. Everyone would say, “Falun Gong is so good, why does the CCP forbid people from practicing it?” I have clarified the facts to almost all of my coworkers and helped them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

In addition to face-to-face truth-clarification, my fellow practitioners and I also went to nearby villages to distribute materials. Most people were receptive to the truth, though sometimes we were followed by those who didn't want us to let people know that Falun Gong is good. Under Master’s protection, we always returned safely.

Each time before I left home, I sent righteous thoughts, asking Master to strengthen me and eliminate all the evil elements in other dimensions. I returned safely each time. What Master has given us is always the best.

Thank you, Master! I will do the three things well, and keep Master’s merciful salvation in mind, so that Master will have one less thing to worry about.