(Minghui.org) Local Falun Gong practitioners held an event on Sendlinger Strasse, a pedestrian street in the center of Munich, to introduce the spiritual practice on March 15, 2025. They told people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution and forced organ harvesting which targets practitioners. Local residents condemned the persecution, and supported their efforts to expose it.

Practitioners held an event in Munich on March 15, 2025.

Sendlinger Strasse is located in the center of Munich, not far from the city hall, Marienplatz. This pedestrian street was recently expanded, and is a popular spot with local residents.

It was Saturday, and although the wind was strong, the street was crowded. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, and the peaceful exercise music and graceful movements formed a sharp contrast with the large portraits exposing the CCP’s forced organ harvesting. Many people stopped to talk with them.

People learn about Falun Gong and the CCP’s persecution.

Passers-by sign the petition calling to stop the CCP’s brutality.

When they learned that Falun Gong practices Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and teaches the exercises for free around the world, and that hundreds of millions of people have benefited greatly from practicing Falun Gong, many people signed. Practitioners explained the CCP persecutes Falun Gong because the number of practitioners was greater than the number of CCP members, and because Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are opposite of the CCP’s lies and violence. Many people said the CCP is unreasonable and that its persecution of human rights is very bad. Especially when they learned about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting, they were appalled. Afterwards, most people signed the petition to support Falun Gong practitioners in their protest against the persecution.

Two tourists from Italy said at first that they could not understand English. When practitioners gave them a flyer, the woman immediately read it out loud. Afterwards the man said they would sign the petition.

From Indifference to Support

When a practitioner gave a man a flyer, he seemed indifferent but asked what it was about.

After the practitioner told him what Falun Gong is, why the CCP persecutes Falun Gong and about the brutal persecution he asked, “What can I do?” The practitioner said he could talk to his friends or the politicians in his constituency about this matter, so they would pay attention to human rights.

The practitioner also told him he could sign the petition to the German government. The man said, “Will it be helpful?” The practitioner said that signing shows one’s position. He nodded, but said, “What can one signature do?” The practitioner said that there is a proverb in German, and the same is true in Chinese, that dripping water will eventually wear away a stone. He smiled when he heard this.

When he looked at the petition he pointed to a signature with surprise and said, “This is my wife’s signature.” When he looked up, he saw his wife talking to another practitioner, so he quickly signed.

The practitioner also gave him a small origami lotus flower, and said that it had the words “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” on it, and explained that even though lotus flowers grow up from the mud they are not stained. He also said that today’s society is like the mud in which the lotus flower grows. When people grow upward, remove bad factors, and uphold kindness, they bring hope. When the practitioner said this, the man suddenly gave him a big hug, and his face was full of joy. His wife and the other practitioners laughed, and were as moved as he was.