(Minghui.org) I’d like to tell you how local practitioners support and encourage each other.

Because I’m the only child my life was comfortable. Influenced by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture, I became competitive, jealous and greedy. I gossiped and complained about people over trivial things, threw tantrums if my parents did not give me what I wanted, and I was jealous of my classmates who did better than me. I felt very good about myself despite having so many bad habits.

When I was 14 in 1998, I began practicing Falun Dafa with my mother. I truly understood the difference between good and evil, and learned to look inward for my shortcomings—guided by Falun Dafa’s principles and encouraged by fellow practitioners I stepped on the path of cultivation.

I still recall attending the local group Fa study when I first began practicing. More than twelve practitioners all held the precious book Zhuan Falun. Everyone welcomed me with smile, which really warmed my heart. I routinely went to group Fa study. Listening to practitioners sharing their cultivation experiences my mind was filled with the teachings (Fa) and I began using the Fa’s principles as my guide. I also participated in group exercises, and activities to introduce Falun Dafa and Fa conferences, all with the encouragement of fellow practitioners.

I remember the first time I attended group exercises in the early morning during the winter. The temperature in northern China is below freezing. My mother and I arrived the exercise site before dawn. The site was in the yard of a coordinator’s house and was already filled with practitioners who stood inside and outside the house. Everyone quietly waited for the exercise music to begin. The coordinator noticed I was a new and young practitioner, and led me into the house, which was warm as there was a stove. Several elderly and young practitioners were already there. The room became a little crowded after I entered. An elderly practitioner voluntarily stepped outside to practice in the cold. When the music began, everyone focused and did the exercises. The coordinator helped some practitioners correct their movements. After we did the exercise I noticed the elderly practitioner who gave me her place had red and cold hands, but she didn’t complain. Through this experience I truly felt practitioners’ kindness—I decided to learn from the other practitioners and pass on Falun Dafa’s compassion to others.

Many of my human thoughts were exposed during group Fa study. Sometimes when other practitioners read the Fa slowly or made mistakes, I became impatient and spoke harshly. I later reflected on myself. I also made mistakes when I read the Fa, but fellow practitioners were very patient in helping me correct them. Why can’t I be as patient and kind? I also thought about how I could help fellow practitioners improve the quality when they read the Fa, which would help us understand the Fa better. Later when fellow practitioners read the Fa slowly or made mistakes, I read the paragraph with them, sometimes reading an entire Fa lecture together. We cooperated to achieve a unified, steady and correct reading. I experienced the perfect harmony of Dafa from the bottom of my heart.

Once, I went to a fellow practitioner’s home. The practitioner’s son and his friend were drinking in the living room. I greeted them and walked into the practitioner's room, where I saw her sitting on the bed, listening to Master’s Fa Lecture, but her expression was angry. Her son and his friend chatted loudly and played videos on the phone, so she wasn’t able to concentrate. I suggested we read the Fa together and she agreed. When we began reading, the noise in the living room increased and the other practitioner wondered if she should ask them to lower their voices. I thought I should treat people with kindness and told her we should just continue reading.

When we calmed down and resumed reading, the noise in the living room soon ceased. Afterwards, I shared my thoughts with her, “If you asked your son to lower their voices or go outside, he might become upset with us, and even have resentment towards Dafa practitioners, which could negatively affect the environment. As long as we maintain righteous thoughts and treat others with kindness, the environment will change immediately.” She agreed. When I stepped out of room, I noticed the son and his friend were gone. This experience showed me that practitioners’ righteous thoughts and compassion can truly change our surroundings.

Cultivating Compassion

I initially had difficulty clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution to people in person.

One day, an elderly practitioner and I rode our bicycles to a neighboring town to study the Fa with other practitioners. The other practitioner suddenly stopped. I was confused, but I realized he noticed a person was passing by and he began clarifying the truth to him. I helped by sending forth righteous thoughts. This experience helped me realize my gap—I was only focused on my own things, while he thought about the sentient beings who were waiting to be saved.

Another time, my mother and I went out to clarify the truth. We walked around a supermarket because she needed to buy something. She started to talk about Falun Dafa to the salesperson. I noticed the surveillance monitor in front of the salesperson; I was worried about our safety, so I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate anything that prevented the salesperson from understanding the truth. The woman agreed with what my mother said and happily withdrew from CCP and its affiliated organizations. After we left, I told my mother, “You should check the surroundings when you clarify the truth. There were surveillance cameras but you still spoke to her. It was dangerous!” My mother said, “When you truly want to save people, there are no obstacles. The surveillance cameras are lives that are waiting to be saved.” I felt ashamed of my selfishness and realized I still had a big gap with fellow practitioners in my cultivation.

These scenes of fellow practitioners telling the truth are deeply imprinted in my mind, and inspired me to tell the truth to others. I rode an electric bike on my way home and was stopped by a lady in her fifties. She was anxiously trying to hail a cab to get to a nearby restaurant. I offered to give her a ride. On the way there, she sent voice messages to her friend. I asked where she was from and what she was going to do at the restaurant. She told me she planned to invest in a wealth management product which would make a lot of money, and she planned to have dinner with the product manager.

I was concerned and asked her, “Do you know this person? There are too many scammers now. Make sure this product is safe before you invest.” She replied, “No problem, we are all acquaintances.” I didn’t say anything. When we arrived at the restaurant she offered me money for driving her there. I declined and said, “I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner and I like to help people. Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” She seemed surprised and didn’t say anything. I asked her whether I looked like a bad person and she said no. I told her what I said was from my heart and please remember it, She nodded and left.

I work at a government institution, and the leader slandered Dafa and repeated the CCP’s lies to the employees twice at all-hands meetings. A practitioner I knew mailed truth clarification materials to the leader, in order to disintegrate the evil factors in our workplace and reduce the harm the CCP was causing. I am very grateful to that practitioner.

I also clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to my coworkers. The workplace organizes outings and I’m sometimes asked to collect ID cards. I took the opportunity to write down my coworkers’ home addresses. I also collected addresses from the company’s public notices. I later mailed customized truth-clarification materials. One coworker’s child was diagnosed with a rare blood disease and the family was very anxious. I found a story on the Minghui website about a practitioner whose blood disease was resolved after she began practicing Falun Dafa. I printed it out along with some other truth-clarification materials and mailed them to that coworker, to help her understand the truth about Dafa and offer the family a way to overcome their tribulations.

These are some examples in which the other practitioners and I support, encourage and help each other. Thank you, compassionate Master, and thank you, fellow practitioners! We will continue to cooperate with each other, advance diligently on the path of cultivation and truly fulfill our prehistoric vows.

These are my personal understandings. Please kindly point out anything not in accordance with the Fa.