(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in September 1998. Although I was only in my 30s, I had numerous illnesses. Fortunately, Dafa gave me good health and made me a better person.
Not only I, but my family members also benefited from Falun Dafa. I’d like to tell you about my daughter and my nephew.
Fever Diminished
One incident happened when my daughter was two and a half years old. After we ate dinner, I noticed her cheeks were red and her body was hot. She closed her eyes, and I couldn’t wake her up. I was nervous because my husband was not home. A cousin’s fever developed into acute pneumonia when she was two and a half years old, and she died on the way to the hospital.
At that time, I had only practiced Falun Dafa for less than two months. I suddenly remembered that Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, said, “You can read this book to a patient. If the patient can accept it, it can heal his illness…” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)
I sat down next to my daughter and began to read Zhuan Falunaloud. After a while, I noticed her cheeks were no longer red. One hour later, her fever was gone, and my husband returned home.
Neurogenic Blinking
Another incident occurred when my daughter was seven. A neighbor told me my daughter was bitten by a dog, and she was crying. I went there and saw that the skin on her shoulder had bite marks, and she was bleeding. Someone said a neighbor’s dog bit my daughter, and I should talk to him. I didn’t notice anything else was wrong except for some minor bleeding, so I just took her home.
While we ate breakfast the next day, I noticed my daughter kept blinking her eyes. I felt this was related to the dog bite so I took her to a doctor at the township clinic. The doctor said there was nothing he could do since this was neurogenic blinking. I was worried: what if she can’t stop blinking her eyes?
When I read the Fa that afternoon, one thought came to mind, “Ask Master to help.” Although my daughter was young, she followed Dafa’s principles and knew “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” After dinner, I stood in front of Master’s portrait and said, “Master, please help my daughter. If this is karma, she can bear it; if not, Master please help.” My husband joined me in reciting “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
My daughter fell asleep ten minutes later. When she woke up the next morning, her eyes were normal. I was very thankful to Master, and I wept. More than 20 years have passed and my daughter has a decent job with a stable career.
My Nephew’s Three Accidents
When I told my nephew about Falun Dafa, he agreed with Dafa’s teachings, and he also renounced his membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations he had joined. As a result, he was safe during three accidents.
I didn’t know the details of the first accident. His father (my brother) later told me it was a bad car accident, but my nephew was fine.
I heard about the second accident after my nephew returned home from the hospital. He was riding a motorcycle and encountered a huge manure pile surrounded by rocks and it occupied half the road. “I had to ride on the other side of the road. But a car came from the opposite direction, so I had to keep right, and I hit a rock,” my nephew said. “I was lucky because if I’d been a little off, I would either hit the car or fall into the deep ditch next to the road—my injuries would have been much worse.”
My nephew showed me an amulet a neighbor gave him with the words: “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” We were both grateful to Master and Falun Dafa.
The third accident happened when my nephew was 22. He and two friends rode a motorcycle and returned from a wedding. It was at night and raining. A truck hit them at a road crossing, and the driver ran away. My nephew and one friend (Gang) lost consciousness, while the other friend (Liang) was seriously injured. After Liang’s parents arrived, they saw that both Gang and my nephew had major bleeding, so they thought there was no hope for them. They only took Liang to the hospital and put the other two inside a vegetable shed near the road.
My brother didn’t know about this accident until the next morning when my nephew regained consciousness. My brother took him to the hospital. The only injury the doctor saw was a cut on the back of his head, and he sewed it up. Afterward, my nephew was fine. One of Liang’s legs was broken, and Gang died.
My daughter, my nephew, and I all know these are miracles from Falun Dafa. We hope more people support Dafa and oppose the CCP’s persecution, so that they’ll also be blessed.
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