(Minghui.org) When my father-in-law was alive he often told us, “I began practicing Buddhism when I was 18, and I waited for the Buddha Law which only appears once in a thousand or even ten thousand years. I’ve been waiting for Maitreya Buddha to come and spread the true law. I probably won’t live to see it. My time in this world is coming to an end, and the great path of the universe will soon be revealed. You all will have a chance to obtain it—be sure to cherish it and not miss this once-in-eternity opportunity.”

My Eyesight Returned

About a year after he passed away, my younger sister-in-law brought me the precious book Zhuan Falun. I was reading Buddhist scriptures and thought the books about qigong written in modern times just had miscellaneous information. I didn’t want to go astray, so I didn’t take Zhuan Falun seriously and I didn’t read a single page.

That March I developed an eye condition that progressively worsened. The doctor said I had cataracts. My vision became increasingly blurry. No medicine seemed to work and even my face hurt.

I consulted two fortunetellers, hoping to find out when I would recover. They both told me I would go blind in my 40s. I was heartbroken. I gradually lost the ability to read, and I could barely see even the faintest outlines of people. My husband urged me to go to a hospital, but I refused. I resigned myself to my fate.

Six months passed, and my eyesight worsened. I felt life was hard, but when I remembered that I was waiting for the precious Buddha Law, I felt a glimmer of hope.

One day, my oldest cousin-in-law and my two sisters-in-law came to visit me. They wanted me to practice a certain qigong with them, saying it could heal my eyes. I wasn’t interested, because I remembered the words passed down from my ancestors: “The true Buddha is surnamed Li, and he will spread the three-character true law.”

In August 1997, my younger sister-in-law visited me. When I said that I still hadn’t read Zhuan Falun, she exclaimed, “How can you not practice such a great Fa?!“ Seeing that I could no longer read, she brought me a recording of Master Li’s lectures in Jinan. She said, “This is the rarest Buddha Law, an opportunity that comes only once in thousands of years!” Her words reminded me of what my father-in-law often said before he passed away, so I agreed to listen.

After she left, my children decided to watch TV, so I went outside and began husking corn while I listened to the recordings. The more I listened, the more moved and excited I felt. Wasn’t this the true Law I’d searched for all these years?! I got very emotional. Just like the poem said: “I searched for it thousands of times, but when I turned around, it was right there.” Tears streamed down my face.

As I wept, my eyesight suddenly returned! I’d been blind for six months. Seeing the vast blue sky I couldn’t help but cry out, “I’m healed! I can see!”

I never dreamed that the true Great Way that I had so longed for would come to me so quickly. Just by listening to two of Master’s lectures, my eyes miraculously recovered and I regained my sight.

I immediately told my Buddhist friends about Falun Dafa. Seeing my transformation, they were overjoyed and began practicing as well. Their health improved, and some recovered from chronic illnesses such as bronchitis and asthma.

I also told the other villagers about Falun Dafa. Many people started practicing and experienced wonderful and miraculous things.

My Miraculous Recovery After Being Hit By a Car

At the end of March 2016, I was on my way to pick up my grandson from his tutoring class on my electric tricycle when a car hit me. I passed out. My nephew happened to pass by and saw me. He quickly contacted my family, and my younger brother and his wife came and hired a taxi to take me to the county hospital.

When I regained consciousness I saw eight or nine people in the room holding up my X-rays. They said my left clavicle was fractured, my pelvis was injured, and I needed to have surgery.

I reminded myself that I practiced Falun Dafa and that I was protected by Master. I understood in my heart that this accident must have happened because I still had human attachments that the old forces had exploited.

What the doctor said left my daughter and son-in-law panic-stricken, and they agreed to the surgery. I was distressed. Ignoring the pain, I struggled to get up. Determined, I thought, “I absolutely won’t have surgery. No one can keep me here—I must go home!”

The doctors wouldn’t let me leave, and my daughter didn’t want me to. Seeing how determined I was, my brother, who also practices Falun Dafa, said, “If she doesn’t want to stay in the hospital, let her go home then. It’s her choice.” One of the doctors, who happened to be my nephew from another village, saw how resoslute I was and reluctantly agreed to let me leave.

At home that night, I endured the pain and thought: “I must look inward. For a cultivator, nothing happens by chance. It often takes a fall for practitioners to remind themselves to search within. This situation occurred because I had attachments that didn’t align with Dafa, and the old forces exploited them to persecute me.” I looked inward and saw that I was jealous and resentful. I also wanted to be acknowledged.

A few days before when I returned home to get fertilizer for the fields I was working, I noticed some families were irrigating their crops because they had their own wells. They had water hoses stretched across the roads, and water flowed everywhere, making the ground muddy. Carrying a bag of fertilizer on my back, I stepped into the mud and complained, “Is it such a big deal to have a well? Showing off for nothing!”

When my granddaughter didn’t do well on her exams, I was disappointed and even resentful. I kept complaining and said, “You scored so poorly—how embarrassing! I don’t even want to see your teachers. I worked hard driving you to school and picking you up every day, but you didn’t study or try hard!”

Jealousy, resentment, and the pursuit of fame and gain—these attachments made me worse than ordinary people. I made up my mind to cultivate diligently and eliminate these attachments.

The next day, my son and daughter-in-law came from out of town to visit me, and my daughter bought me a special chair to use on the toilet along with two boxes of medicine. I told her there was no need for them. When she gave my son the X-rays and medical reports from the hospital, he didn’t say anything. My daughter-in-law said, “You are badly injured. Without hospitalization or surgery, you won’t heal even in two years. We work out of town and can’t take care of you.” I replied, “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I’ll be fine in less than a month. I can handle it by myself, and everything will be okay!” My daughter-in-law didn’t say anything.

I thought: “Since I chose to not have surgery, I won’t make a sound even if I’m in pain. I can’t worry my children.” Whenever the pain was intense, I just grit my teeth and recited, ““When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.”” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun) The more it hurt, the more I recited.

After a few days, Master must have seen that I was steadfast, and firmly believed in him and the Fa. He compassionately helped me by bearing most of the suffering. I felt significantly better. I continued doing the exercises and reciting the Fa every day. I recited the poems from Hong Yin that I’d memorized.

When they heard about my injuries, friends and relatives came to visit me and brought gifts and money. I thought, “This isn’t right!” I tried to return the gifts, but they wouldn’t hear of it. Then I thought, “Aren’t I creating karma for myself like this? I didn’t cultivate well, which led to this situation. Letting others see me like this could negatively impact Dafa’s image.”

I asked my daughter-in-law to visit her uncle for a while, and I took a sickle to the field that faced the village to weed. I did as much work as I could. I just wanted the villagers to see that I was fine so they’d stop bringing me gifts. I wasn’t a patient—how could I accept these things?

When my daughter-in-law came back and saw me working in the field, she hurried over and said, “What if you strain yourself?” I replied, “It’s okay. Moving around is good for me!” That afternoon, two relatives saw me and ran over, exclaiming, “I never thought you’d recover this fast!” I said, “Isn’t this the power of Dafa?” From that day on, they stopped treating me like a patient.

I also began doing some household chores. One day, my daughter called to ask how I was doing. I said, “I’m fine—really fine. Everything is back to normal.” She didn’t believe me. My daughter-in-law was next to me and said, “It’s true. If you don’t believe it, come and see for yourself.”

Less than that three weeks after the accident, it was market day in our area. I planned to ride the electric tricycle with my daughter-in-law to the market. She said, “Mom, what do you want to buy? I can get it for you.” I replied, “I don’t need to buy anything—I just want people to see that I’m fully recovered.” She said, “Isn’t that showing off?” I explained, “I didn’t cultivate well, which damaged Dafa’s image. But now, with Master’s protection, I’ve recovered so quickly. People need to witness Dafa’s miraculous power!” She said, “Then go ahead.”

Sure enough, as soon as I got off the tricycle and walked into the market, I saw the man who drove me to the hospital. He was shocked to see me and said, “You’ve recovered?” I replied, “Yes, I’m fine!” There were many people around, and I raised my voice, saying, “Yes, I’m truly fine. This is the power of Falun Dafa!” He walked with me and told people, “This is truly miraculous. I was the one who drove her to the hospital after the accident. The doctors wanted her to have surgery, but she refused and insisted on going home. It’s not even been 20 days and she’s fully recovered!”

Because of this incident, many people got to know that Falun Dafa is good and that it’s the genuine Buddha Law. They were willing to accept the truth about Dafa.