(Minghui.org) Shen Yun Performing Arts’ eight touring companies gave 35 performances in eleven cities in Australia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States between February 24 and March 2, 2025.

Shen Yun New World Company’s twelfth and last performance at the Kennedy Center Opera House in Washington, D.C., on March 2. (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun Global Company at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, on February 27. The company’s six performances from February 26 to March 2 were all presented to full houses. The local presenter had to make seats with obstructed view available for sale to meet the demand. (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun New Era Company at the Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg, Austria, on March 1. The company’s two performances in Salzburg on March 1 and 2 were sold out over a month in advance. (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun North America Company’s sold-out performance at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the afternoon of March 1 (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun International Company at the MartiniPlaza in Groningen, the Netherlands, on the evening of February 26. The company presented three sold-out performances in Groningen on February 25 and 26, concluding Shen Yun’s twelve-show, three-city Netherlands tour. (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun International Company at a sold-out house at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg, Germany, on March 2 (The Epoch Times)

“I’ve Just Been Spellbound by the Beauty of This Presentation”

Imelda Roche (NTD Television)

Australian entrepreneur and billionaire Imelda Roche saw Shen Yun in Sydney on February 28.

“Absolutely wonderful. I’ve just been spellbound by the beauty of this presentation. It is incredible,” said Mrs. Roche, the founder of the skincare and beauty product company Nutrimetics and the Roche Group, a property development company.

“There is a lot of spirituality in the messages that come through from the presentation... Everything about it is so well coordinated.

“What I will take home with me is a message to everybody I know—to come see this presentation.

“The technology that’s been applied to have somebody in physical form transformed onto a screen and then up into the heavens—it’s absolutely amazing,” she said.

The entrepreneur also praised Shen Yun dancers for their skills. “They are remarkable. The ability and the balance of these dancers—I’m just spellbound at their control and their agility,” she said.

At the same time, Mrs. Roche said it was very regrettable that Shen Yun was not able to perform in China.

“I say to everybody I know that the Chinese people have been great contributors to Australia since the early days of the Gold Rush times—when I think about what they did to set up Chinese restaurants in all of our outlying towns and cities,” she said.

“You don’t judge the Chinese people from what you see and hear today from the CCP. That is a very small segment and an unfortunate one because it doesn’t reflect the true spirit of the Chinese people,” she said.

“The Pinnacle”

Joël Fradet (NTD Television)

Joël Fradet, former president of a cultural association, saw Shen Yun on the evening of February 23 in Nantes, France.

The artistic level of Shen Yun is, for him, “the pinnacle. The pinnacle in precision, in grace, in colors, in expression, in dramaturgy too!”

He was able to feel the connection to the divine “through these artists who know how to transmit this magic. Because it’s magic: it’s dance, but it’s magic. We are transported, we are on a cloud, and we sail.”

Mr. Fradet wanted to emphasize “the beauty of the dancers, their costumes, these airy movements. There is all this love and this kindness, which makes us happy”.

“I felt this energy that comes from up there and penetrates us. They know how to transmit this energy. On top of that, there is also the magic of images that make us vibrate. We are truly captivated! We are there, eyes wide open to enjoy a unique spectacle,” underlined Mr. Fradet.

“I encourage everyone to go see this show. It’s so beautiful, it’s so powerful,” he concluded.

“I Want to Be Like That”

Robert de Jong (NTD Television)

Robert de Jong, an architect and editor-in-chief, saw Shen Yun in Groningen, the Netherlands, on February 26.

“You definitely can see the message for the world. It’s about being good to each other,” he said.

“I want to be that way too, what I see here tonight. The diversity, all the things that I mentioned. Creativity - I want to be innovative. I found it here, I want to be like that. I think it’s beautiful,” he said.

“Love and Peace”

Evert van Grootel (The Epoch Times)

Music teacher and singer Evert van Grootel saw Shen Yun in Ludwigsburg, Germany, on March 2.

“The Shen Yun orchestra played wonderfully, and the competition and arrangements were amazing,” he said.

“Shen Yun is like a voice from the divine world, making people feel like home.

“(Shen Yun’s music) conveys the messages of love and peace. After listening to this kind of music, people will no longer hurt others. This is the power of peace.

“(Shen Yun) is an extremely precious artistic expression, and reminds us that this world should be holy, and we should strive to make this world a reflection of the holy kingdom,” he said.

“It Kept You Entertained the Entire Time”

Tim Cooney (NTD Television)

Three-time Emmy-nominated filmmaker and musician Tim Cooney saw Shen Yun in Las Vegas on February 27.

“I love the show... Just the spectacle—the colors, the costumes, the dancing—it kept you entertained the entire time,” he said.

“When [the artists] came out and did that last performance I said, ‘It’s over already?’ and then I looked at my watch— I’ve been here 3 hours. I couldn’t believe it. So, it was great. Excellent show.

“[The compositions] were great. Obviously, whoever did it knew what they were doing because it supported the story. The key with music in any kind of [show] is it should support the story... but it shouldn’t be so up front that it takes away from the story. This supported the story; it enhanced the story—so that’s why that music was very, very good.

“From what I could tell, all the musicians were top-notch. I mean top-notch, you know. I doubt you could get much better.

“I’m used to being around live music, and a lot of people aren’t. So, when they hear that, it’s, you know, shocking to them. For me, I immediately, being a musician, started pulling it apart—listening for certain instruments and seeing if they’re blending right, if they sound right, if they’re hitting the right notes. I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with it. It was excellent,” he said.

Reflecting on the spiritual element of the performance, Mr. Cooney said his take-home message is that “if you can find your own peace inside yourself, the Creator will take care of you.”

“I think that’s what I got from it. Whoever [created Shen Yun] is very, very good at what they do,” he said.

Last but not least, Mr. Cooney would like to tell all the performers that they’ve done an excellent job and to keep doing what they’re doing because they’re “bringing happiness and joy to a whole lot of people on this tour.”

“From the Soul”

Sylvia McGinty (NTD Television)

Sylvia McGinty, founder of a ballet school, saw Shen Yun in Sydney on the afternoon of March 2. She and three other ballet teachers traveled 160 kilometers (nearly 100 miles to see the performance.

“Superb. Technically very very sound, very sound – every dancer on the stage, not just one soloist – the whole troupe. Very technical, beautiful, artistic,” she said.

“Very fluently. Every arm – moving in time and fluent – and that’s rare. Hand movements – artistic, genteel, from the soul... Soulful. Beautiful, beautiful. Not just an arm – something meaningful,” Ms. McGinty said.

“A Great Contribution to Society”

Ali Rouzbehani and his wife (The Epoch Times)

Ali Rouzbehani, a real estate broker, airplane designer, and pilot, and his wife saw Shen Yun in Corpus Christi, Texas, on February 25.

“Through Shen Yun performances, you can experience more of the deep meaning of traditional culture, especially the part about the divine. As revealed in the program, people come from heaven, and through the process of purifying their souls, they have the opportunity to return to their original home in heaven. From this point of view, Shen Yun’s performances have made a great contribution to society,” said Mr. Rouzbehani.

“I firmly believe in the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance that were conveyed in the program. I also saw the words ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance’ at the scene, and they are also in the book. This is why I bought Zhuan Falun... I will start practicing Falun Dafa,” he said.

“Everyone Should See a Show Like This at Least Once”

Daniel Böringer (NTD Television)

Daniel Böringer, managing director of a measuring technology company, saw Shen Yun in Ludwigsburg on March 2.

Regarding Shen Yun’s display of pre-communist China, Mr. Böringer said, “I find this aspect very attractive because the China we know in the Western world through the media is a different image. It was really beautiful to be able to see the connections to this culture as well as divinity and the true traditional Chinese culture. In the Western world, we have strayed away from divinity, focusing more on the material plane and neglecting the spiritual world. This show allowed me to see the true traditions of China, which was great.”

“I think everyone should see a show like this at least once in their lifetime,” he said.

For more information about performance times, locations, and tickets, please visit www.shenyun.com.