(Minghui.org) I was just two years old in 1975 when I was suddenly struck with severe pain in my calves and palms of my hands. My parents took me to many local and regional hospitals and tried many remedies, including Chinese and Western medicine and traditional herbs, but nothing helped. My parents spent all their income to treat my illness, but my condition did not improve at all. It continued to worsen over the next 23 years until I could barely sleep or eat. My health was in tatters, and I was living a life worse than death, but I still clung desperately to the hope of finding a cure.

A relative introduced me to Falun Dafa on August 28, 1998. Ten days after I first started studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, the severe pain in my hands and feet disappeared without a trace! My skinny and deformed body gradually filled out and became normal. For the first time in years, I experienced the joy of being illness-free. Compassionate Master had pulled me back from the brink of death, cleansed my body, taught me how to cultivate, and showed me the path to enlightenment.

My Husband and I Narrowly Escaped Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

The winter of 2004 was particularly cold. We lit a pot of charcoal to ward off the chill and brought it into our bedroom. We closed the doors and windows in our room and fell asleep soon after 9 p.m.. As it had been a tiring day, we slept soundly, unaware of the accumulating levels of carbon monoxide being produced by the incomplete combustion of charcoal in our enclosed room. The rising concentration poisoned us and left us nearly unconscious. It had become my routine to wake 10 minutes before midnight each day to send forth righteous thoughts. I instinctively tried to wake up but found myself nearly blacking out, suffocating, and unable to breathe or speak.

My first instinct was to open the door, but my inability to coordinate my movements caused me to hit my head against the wall. Using the wall for support, I made my way to the door and opened it, falling on the eaves and injuring my mouth and face. Yet the fall knocked me to my senses, and I rushed back into the room to save my husband. I propped my unconscious husband up, only to see him collapse into a boneless pile the instant I let go. In a state of panic, I immediately begged Master to save my husband, calling my husband’s name while sincerely reciting the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Within a short time, my husband regained consciousness. Thank you, Master, for saving my husband and me from death!

My Husband Survived a Bike Accident

As a Falun Dafa practitioner, I strive to meet the requirements of Dafa’s teachings and become a better person. I try to be a good wife and mother at home by demonstrating the goodness of Falun Dafa through my actions. As a result, my husband and daughter truly believe “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” My daughter is very filial to her parents, while my husband cares for and supports me in my cultivation endeavors to the best of his abilities. Each time I venture out to clarify the facts regarding the illegal persecution of Falun Dafa, my husband will ferry me to my destination, no matter the distance or weather conditions. He even distributes truth-clarification materials and flyers with me, and when I clarify the truth face-to-face, he sometimes chips in to tell people his own story. His explanation that he does not practice Falun Dafa himself but is a beneficiary of Falun Dafa’s blessings lends credence to my words. I believe my husband’s support of Falun Dafa helped him overcome the dangerous situation he encountered.

My husband was speeding on his motorcycle on his way to work on September 29, 2017, when he drove off the road and fell down a three-meter-tall depression. There was nobody around on the deserted road, and after struggling to stand up, my husband located his undamaged motorcycle. With an unknown source of strength, he pushed his motorcycle onto the road before inspecting himself. My husband found three big cuts on his forehead and a cut at the corner of his mouth. His legs and knees were seriously injured.

He was sent to a hospital where doctors advised him to undergo immediate surgery to repair his seriously injured legs and knees. A delay could result in the loss of his ability to walk. At this time, I thought of Dafa and knew that Dafa’s Master would heal my husband’s injuries as long as we fully believed. I told my husband, “Don’t get the surgery, let’s go home and Master will take care of it.” When my husband agreed, the doctor said, “If you refuse treatment, we can’t take responsibility for the outcome. If you encounter any problems from your injuries, you can’t come to our hospital.” We agreed not to return to the hospital, and the doctor suggested we obtain treatment for my husband’s superficial wounds before going home. After my husband agreed, the doctor stitched the open wounds on my husband’s mouth and forehead before releasing us.

After returning home, my husband did not bandage or treat his wounds. Instead, we recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” every day. I also played audio recordings of Master’s lectures for my husband to listen to.

Three months later, my husband’s wounds and injuries had completely healed without any residual problems. Having regained his strength, my husband was able to resume doing heavy physical work.