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Belated News: 62-Year-Old Liaoning Woman Gets 2 Years for Filing Complaint Against Perpetrators for Persecuting Her for Her Faith

March 7, 2025 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 62-year-old woman in Tieling City, Liaoning Province, was sentenced to two years in December 2024, Minghui.org recently learned.

Ms. Zhang Shuxia was arrested on July 12, 2024, while shopping at a local market. According to an insider, her arrest came as a result of retaliation due to her complaint about the perpetrators who persecuted her in the past for her faith in Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. Ms. Zhang previously spent a total of 13 years behind bars, serving three forced labor terms and two prison terms for her faith. Prior to her latest arrest, she was last released in late December 2019.

The Supreme People’s Court posted a guideline online on February 27, 2021, listing 12 crimes specifically applicable to the law enforcement, the prosecutors, and the judges, including: (1) bending the law for personal gain; (2) wrongful ruling in civil and administrative cases; (3) dereliction of duty in executing judgments and rulings; (4) abuse of power in executing judgments and rulings; (5) bending the law in arbitration; (6) illegal release of detainees without permission; (7) dereliction of duty causing detainees to escape; (8) illegal commutation of sentence, parole, and temporary execution outside prison; (9) failure to prosecute criminal cases; (10) extortion of confessions by torture; (11) collecting evidence via violence; (12) abuse of detainees. The guideline also established a hotline (12337) on the same day for people to report to law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges for committing any of the 12 crimes.

Upon learning of the 2021 guideline, Ms. Zhang filed a complaint against the former director of Masanjia Labor Camp, Su Jing, and others who had wrongfully prosecuted or brutally tortured her over the years. The exact time of her filing was unknown, but the insider revealed that her latest arrest was a retaliatory act by the authorities.

Ms. Zhang is still held at the Tieling City Detention Center at the time of writing. Other details of her case are unknown. For details of her past persecution, see the related reports.

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