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Experience of a New Falun Dafa Practitioner in Australia

March 7, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Australia

(Minghui.org) Although it’s only been a short time since I found Falun Dafa online in 2024, I changed a lot. Through reading Zhuan Falun – Falun Dafa’s main book – and doing the five sets of exercises I’ve gradually come to understand the profound meaning of Falun Dafa’s guiding principles—Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. My health and character greatly improved.

I was often frustrated by many things in my life—from work and family to interaction with others, I felt helpless and pressured. I began to read books about spirituality and found Falun Dafa. Out of curiosity, I began to read Zhuan Falun.

I knew Zhuan Falun was very special as soon as I opened the book. I started to reconsider many things—from the universe, life, to cultivation practice. I realized that many things in my life that made me unhappy were related to my attachments. I understood that if I abandoned my competitive mentality and my attachment to material interest while following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I would be able to maintain a peaceful mind and improve myself.

Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, said, “I’ll tell you a truth: The entire cultivation process for a cultivator is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Trivial matters used to upset me, and I even argued over them with my family and friends. Now, I try to handle these issues with tolerance. Instead of easily being agitated, I’m able to face these situations with a peaceful mind and forgiveness.

Along with reading Zhuan Falun, I also began to do the five sets of exercises every day. In the beginning, I had difficulty calming down. I never meditated before and I wasn’t able to cross my legs. As I continued practicing I relaxed and the quality of my sleep also improved. More importantly, my temper improved dramatically. Instead of being frustrated by the difficulties in my life, I’m now able to resolve them with kindness.

My mindset also changed. In the past I felt society wasn’t fair and that I wasn’t treated well. I’ve now learned to be grateful and cherish what I have. I try to treat others with kindness and my relationships with others have become more harmonious.

Just months into the practice, I deeply understand how wonderful Falun Dafa is. I also learned cultivation practice takes time and I need to constantly let go of my attachments while improving my xinxing. I sincerely thank Master Li for his compassion. I also hope more people will learn about Falun Dafa and benefit like I have.

The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Everyone can find peace and true happiness in Falun Dafa. I would like to embrace this opportunity with other practitioners and head towards a wonderful future.