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My Positive Changes After I Began Practicing Falun Dafa

March 7, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m an elderly woman and I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for 27 years. To express my gratitude to compassionate Master and Dafa, I’d like to share a few stories from my cultivation journey. I hope to tell more people about Falun Dafa, so they don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and can also become healthy and happy individuals.

Falun Dafa Purified My Mind and Body

My husband and I had a quick tempers. We had often quarreled, sometimes loudly for days, disturbing the neighbors and upsetting our children. I also became seriously ill—I had heart disease. Once, after an argument with my husband, feeling desperate, I took an entire bottle of sleeping pills and nearly died. My family rushed me to the hospital, where I was saved after three days of intensive care. Life was hard and painful back then.

In 1997, a coworker came to my house and gave me a copy of the book Zhuan Falun. After reading it, I felt it was wonderful and could not put it down. I started practicing Falun Dafa. Through repeatedly reading Zhuan Falun and strictly following the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance,” I worked to improve my character, be kind to others, and maintain a calm mindset. My heart opened up, and I began to look inward for my own shortcomings instead of arguing with my husband. All my physical ailments vanished.

Falun Dafa and Master purified my mind and body. In our later years, my husband and I lived in harmony, happiness, and good health.

The Four Peaches

In the autumn of 2023, I went to the market and bought a bag of vegetables. I also bought several pounds of peaches and placed them on top of the vegetables. I took the bus home and sat in the front of the bus. I placed the bag on the floor next to me. After the driver started driving, someone shouted that the peaches had spilled.I looked back and saw that my bag had fallen, and the peaches were scattered. Two were far away, and two were near me. I noticed a woman sitting across from me picked up the two peaches that were farther away and put them in her bag. I said nothing. I picked up the two peaches near me and put them in my bag. The woman said that the peaches I picked up were hers. I remembered that Master taught us that we should not be attached to personal gain and not argue over such matters. I handed her my bag and said, “Take whichever ones are yours, pick the bigger ones if you want.” She chose two peaches and put them in her bag.

At that moment, I felt very peaceful and had no resentment. A passenger behind us said, “The peaches fell out of your bag.” I smiled and said, “Losing is a blessing.” If I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa, I would not have been able to handle the situation this way.

Relinquishing Valuable Property

My father-in-law had five children: two sons and three daughters, and I was the eldest daughter-in-law. When my father-in-law was in his 80s and in poor health, he held a family meeting and decided to leave two properties, one to his oldest grandson, (my son), and the other to his youngest grandson. The sisters agreed.

After my father-in-law passed away, another family meeting was held, and my second sister-in-law wanted to inherit the property designated for my son, and claimed she needed it. I was surprised, as my father-in-law made his decision before he passed away, but now it seemed to be changing. I thought about what Master said in Zhuan Falun, about giving up one’s interests. I reminded myself that as a practitioner, I should always consider others first, so I said, “If you need it, you can have it.”

The next morning, my eldest sister-in-law came to my house and said she would step in to get the property back for my son. After she left, my husband asked me whether I wanted the property back. If I did, he could arrange it. I said I didn’t want it. He reminded me that this wasn’t just a small amount of money, but hundreds of thousands of yuan. I replied: Let’s give it to your second sister. If we fight over it, the siblings will argue, and it may destroy their relationship. My husband remained silent, and he didn’t object. If I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa, I would have handled the situation differently.

Through practicing Falun Dafa, my worldview changed—from being selfish to being selfless, and I placed others first. Falun Dafa and Master have purified me, bringing me health and happiness in my later years. I hope more people will remember, “Falun Dafa is good,” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” and that they, too, can be happy and healthy.