(Minghui.org) In October 2020, my son and I opened a franchise takeout restaurant, so we interacted with many people—the shop owners in the market, the managers, and people who came to buy and sell vegetables. The food we prepared just needed to be heated or cooked, and the delivery drivers who came to pick it up only stayed a few minutes, so our time together was short.
I wasn’t sure how to clarify the truth about the persecution to them. Every day as the delivery drivers came and went, I asked myself what I should do. I had to get rid of my human notions and do the three things that practitioners should do so that they could be saved. I asked Master to help me.
I started to talk to each driver, telling them the truth about Falun Dafa. Most of the drivers were not professionals. Sometimes they wouldn’t pick up their orders on time, which created issues. My son suggested that we change to special delivery only. There were only 12 days left in the month, so I pondered what I should do. I gave truth-clarification materials to everyone who came into my store, especially the drivers, and asked them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I explained as I prepared the food. Everyone I talked to understood and seemed pleased to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
I truly experienced the feeling that time waits for no one. That month ended, and new drivers came to our store. When I helped them carry the food to their vehicles, I clarified the truth. Most of them withdrew from the CCP and thanked me. I told them, “This is what Master Li told me to do. If you want to thank someone, thank him.” Some exclaimed, “Thank you, Master Li!”
The weather was good, and it was easy for people to get in and out. After a few days, the special delivery drivers also understood the truth, and then new drivers came. Later there was a heavy snowfall, so the roads were slippery and the drivers were nervous. Then, the COVID pandemic returned. Some of the drivers said, “I’ve been stuck here for three days.” One said, “I’ve been here for six days. I almost fell today.”
I said, “You know the virus is surging again. Hurry up and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations you joined. Please remember to recite the auspicious words, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Gods and Buddhas will protect you.” In the end, I helped every delivery driver withdraw from the CCP with their real names. They came in and out of my takeout store every day, and they were all safe.
A driver named Guan agreed to take the order as soon as it was ready every morning, but he delayed picking it up. I thought, “When he comes, I must clarify the truth to him right away.” One morning, he was the first one to come in, so I told him the facts about Falun Dafa. He said, “Ma’am, I saw the ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ sign you posted in the store, so I know you are a good person. The Communist Party really harms and deceives everyone, and it persecutes good people. I quit that evil organization.”
Another driver named Bai always worked hard. He came to my store to pick up food, but he first went upstairs to deliver an order. When he returned, he saw that someone else had picked up the takeout order. He came to the counter looking depressed and I could tell that he was in a bad mood. I asked him to sit down and I made him something to eat. I said that people today are so corrupt that they don’t care about other people’s hard work or their feelings. I told him the facts about Dafa, and he quit the Party eagerly. I also made dinner so he could take it home for his children. He smiled and expressed his gratitude.
My cultivation level is limited. If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly correct me. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth