Along with Compassion and Forbearance, Truthfulness is a foundational principle of a Falun Gong practitioner's faith. But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power through treachery and deceit, and it is only through constantly lying that it maintains its hold on power. The Chinese people would have never tolerated the persecution of Falun Gong were it not for the deceptive propaganda broadcast non-stop by the CCP-controlled media. People hear the lies so often repeated that in the end, they grow to believe them. Such is human nature, and the CCP is well aware of this, using it to maximum advantage to control the thoughts of the Chinese people over the years.

And the propaganda does not end at China's borders, for many people in the West have also been deceived by it, and hold totally inaccurate perceptions of Falun Gong.

Thus, the articles in this section are focused on debunking the hate campaign of lies and slander the CCP has employed in its propaganda to turn public opinion against Falun Gong.

The articles listed at the bottom of this page include all categories of propaganda, while the links immediately below lead to pages that discuss the most commonly spread, and most widely believed cases, of the false propaganda.

"Central Government Compound Beseiged"

"Set on Fire on Tiananmen Square"

"1400 Deaths "



"More Cases"