Beginning Cultivation
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March 15, 2025Zhuan Falun Is a Bright Light in Today’s Society
March 14, 2025French-Speaking Falun Dafa Practitioners Share How Reading Zhuan Falun Changed Their Lives
March 12, 2025Falun Dafa Practitioners in Turkey: Zhuan Falun Is a Priceless Gift
March 12, 2025South Africa: New Practitioners Share Insights From Reading Zhuan Falun
March 7, 2025Falun Dafa Lifted Me Out of Depression and Changed Me from Calculating to Compassionate
March 7, 2025Experience of a New Falun Dafa Practitioner in Australia
March 7, 2025My Positive Changes After I Began Practicing Falun Dafa
Feb. 26, 2025Poland: Zhuan Falun Helps Practitioners Improve Their Health and Character
Feb. 26, 2025England: Two Practitioners Share How Reading Zhuan Falun Changed Their Lives
Feb. 25, 2025A Precious Book that Guides People to Divine Realms
Feb. 23, 2025South Korea: Participants in Nine-Day Falun Dafa Workshop Share Their Feedback
Feb. 23, 2025Ukrainian Falun Dafa Practitioners Value Zhuan Falun
Feb. 21, 2025Romania: Benefiting from Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 2)
Feb. 20, 2025Romania: Benefiting from Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 1)
Feb. 19, 2025India: Falun Dafa Practitioners Express Gratitude to Master Li on the 30th Anniversary of Zhuan Falun’s Publication
Feb. 18, 2025Japan: Physical Recoveries and Renewed Minds Attributed to Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 3)
Feb. 17, 2025South African Man’s Life Takes 180 Turn After Reading Zhuan Falun
Feb. 16, 2025Japan: Physical Recoveries and Renewed Minds Attributed to Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 2)
Feb. 15, 2025A South Korean Ph.D. Takes Up Falun Dafa
Feb. 15, 2025Japan: Physical Recoveries and Renewed Minds Attributed to Reading Zhuan Falun
Feb. 11, 2025People in Switzerland Benefit from Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 2)
Feb. 9, 2025People in Switzerland Benefit from Reading Zhuan Falun (Part 1)
Feb. 6, 2025Master Hinted That I Need to Cultivate Diligently
Jan. 13, 2025A New Practitioner’s Cultivation Experiences
Dec. 16, 2024Singapore: New Students Value Nine-day Falun Dafa Class
Dec. 6, 2024A New Practitioner’s Cultivation Journey
Nov. 24, 2024My Experiences While Practicing Falun Dafa for Two Months
Nov. 3, 2024Starting to Practice Falun Dafa after My Mother Was Persecuted
Oct. 30, 2024I Learned Self-discipline in Cultivation and No Longer Fear Death
Oct. 23, 2024New Practitioner: Cultivating Under Master’s Care
Sept. 5, 2024A Flyer Changed His Life
Aug. 15, 2024New Practitioner Faces His Fundamental Attachments
July 16, 2024New Practitioner Is Grateful for Master’s Salvation
July 9, 2024Cancer Patient: Falun Dafa Renewed My Life
July 6, 2024Recalling Falun Dafa’s Introduction to My Hometown
June 11, 2024Woman Gets New Lease on Life after Taking Up Falun Dafa
April 24, 2024A Relatively New Practitioner: My Cultivation Experience
April 18, 2024Falun Dafa’s Principles Are the Fountain of My Life
April 18, 2024Once Suicidal a Young Woman Is Now Happy and Optimistic
April 4, 2024Former Military Officer Learns the Truth about Falun Dafa and Takes Up the Practice
March 21, 2024New Practitioner: I Don’t Want to Miss This Amazing Opportunity
March 18, 2024How I Started Practicing Falun Dafa Despite Being Affected by the CCP’s Propaganda
March 13, 2024Be Kind to New Practitioners
March 7, 2024A New Practitioner’s Cultivation Insights
March 6, 2024A Story of an Origami Lotus Flower: Practicing Falun Dafa Seventeen Years Later
Feb. 19, 2024Real Estate Company Owner Finds Renewal and Resilience in Falun Dafa
Jan. 25, 2024New Practitioner: Changing from an Ordinary Person to True Cultivator
Jan. 24, 2024My Daughter Begins Practicing Falun Dafa
Jan. 2, 2024Professor: Finding Falun Dafa Is a Rare Blessing
Jan. 1, 2024I Finally Started to Practice Falun Dafa After 25 Years
Dec. 28, 2023The Power of Falun Dafa in My Life
Dec. 26, 2023Taiwan Fahui | Falun Dafa Saved Me When My Situation Was Desperate
Dec. 19, 2023Taiwan: New Practitioners Reflect on Their Cultivation Experiences and Insights
Dec. 19, 2023My Amazing Cultivation Journey
Dec. 19, 2023A New Practitioner’s Experience in Dafa Cultivation
Nov. 23, 2023The Joy of Learning Dafa’s Principles and Cultivating Myself
Nov. 18, 2023How My Downstairs Neighbor Began to Practice Falun Dafa
Nov. 3, 2023Struck Down By Grief, Falun Dafa Rekindles a Couple’s Hope
Oct. 28, 2023New Practitioner: Retribution for My Evil Deeds Helped Me Begin Practicing Falun Dafa
Oct. 27, 2023A New Practitioner Experiences the Amazing Power of Falun Dafa
Oct. 24, 2023Young Practitioner: I Finally Began Genuinely Cultivating
Oct. 17, 2023A Taiwanese Businessman Begins Practicing Falun Gong
Oct. 16, 2023Learning Falun Dafa in Prison and Putting the Moral Principles into Practice
Oct. 11, 2023Miraculous Experiences in Dafa Cultivation
Oct. 6, 2023An Atheist Becomes a Falun Dafa Practitioner
Sept. 29, 2023How the “Big Boss” Became a Happy and Kind Person
Sept. 12, 2023New Practitioner: Cherishing My Precious Affinity With Dafa
Sept. 4, 2023‘You Cannot Leave Unless You’ve Taught Everyone Falun Dafa’
Aug. 30, 2023From Atheist to Falun Dafa Cultivator
Aug. 28, 2023South Korean Media Veteran Finds the True Meaning of Life
Aug. 24, 2023New Practitioner: Eliminating the Attachment to Jealousy
Aug. 20, 2023Falun Dafa Saved Me When I Was on the Brink of Death
Aug. 18, 2023After Seventeen Years I Finally Began Practicing Falun Dafa
July 23, 2023My Husband Is a New Person After Practicing Falun Dafa
July 4, 2023Singapore: New Practitioners Benefit from Nine-Day Falun Dafa Class
June 24, 2023My Son and His Girlfriend Decide to Practice Dafa after Reading “How Humankind Came To Be”
June 11, 2023The COVID Pandemic Motivated Me to Finally Practice Falun Dafa
June 9, 2023Experiencing Falun Dafa’s Miracles Just Six Months After I Began Practicing
April 23, 2023Research Scientist in India: “I Got a New Life After Practicing Falun Dafa”
March 13, 2023Witnessing the Miracles of Falun Gong (Part 3 of 3)
March 12, 2023Witnessing Miracles of Falun Gong (Part 2 of 3)
March 11, 2023Witnessing the Miracles of Falun Gong (Part 1 of 3)
March 11, 2023New Practitioner: Experiencing Calmness and Stability After Passing a Test the First Time
March 9, 2023Australian Practitioner: Seeking Falun Dafa Is the True Purpose of Life
March 5, 2023A Harvard Student’s Quest for Life’s Answers Reaps Its Reward
March 2, 2023New Practitioner: How I Started to Practice and Passed Tests in My Cultivation
Feb. 21, 2023I Became a Falun Dafa Practitioner While Imprisoned
Jan. 28, 2023New Practitioner’s Cultivation Experiences
Dec. 26, 2022A Falun Dafa Pamphlet Changed My Life
Dec. 17, 2022Singapore: Nine-Day Falun Dafa Class a Special Experience for New Practitioners
Dec. 10, 2022New Practitioner: Finding Falun Dafa After Life-long Searching Far and Wide
Nov. 30, 2022New Practitioner from Iran: Falun Dafa Renewed My Life and Saved Me from Despair
Oct. 21, 2022New Practitioner: Falun Dafa Brings Me Hope and Illuminates My Life
Aug. 2, 2022The Story of Qinzi
July 29, 2022New Practitioner: Sentient Beings Are Waiting to Hear the Truth
July 28, 2022Dafa Saved Me and Blessed Others Through Me
July 17, 2022Beginning Falun Dafa Practice During the Pandemic
July 7, 2022A New Practitioner’s Journey of Finding the Fa
June 14, 2022New Practitioner: My Cultivation Experience Over the Past Two Years
June 13, 2022Practicing Dafa Renewed my Life