You've been working hard! (Enthusiastic Applause)
I'm delighted to see you. You weren't like this a year ago. After having gone through such a severe test, I can tell--although you might not sense much of it--that you're completely different persons from before. All of us have undergone the most severe test, something that's never occurred before in history.
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[Minghui Net] Right before Jiang Zemin' arrival, Macao police searched a private home, and attempted to fabricate a charge against Falun Dafa practitioners
At 10:45 pm on December 18, four plainclothes (two policemen and two policewomen) detectives from the Macao Intelligence Bureau came with claims that, they had received a tip saying that there were persons without IDs, guns and contraband in the house. They wanted us to sign a document that allows them to search the house without ...

[Clearwisdom.net] Around 8 o' on December 19, Macao' Police Director agreed to allow group practice after previously having arrested practitioners for practicing in public. This agreement was reached after much effort and many meetings with police officials. Some details of this agreement follow: Group practices can be held at the following times and locations: Date: Dec. 20th -Dec. 21st, 2000 Time: 9AM -11AM Place: Sun Yat-sen Park (Also called Duck River Park) Practitioners will be required to practice in ...

At the beginning, the school authorities agreed to hold a memorial. They were to give a memorial speech and a valuation for Zhao Xin, and were also going to compose her biography. Meanwhile, her family members would be allowed to give memorials and write the biography and the elegiac couplets based on their thinking. Moreover, there wouldn' be any problem for the funeral vehicles. The school authorities' position was clear. They would be responsible for Zhao Xin' funeral and would ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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