Before I went to the Los Angeles Conference, I had been thinking about the following question, "Both inside and outside of China are one body, but the cultivation environment for the overseas practitioners is quite different from those inside China, so what do we as overseas practitioners to demonstrate our righteous mind?" At the moment when the self-immolation incident happened, when the Chinese government escalated their attack towards overseas Falun Gong practitioners, I asked myself, "How do we see these ...

A Young Policeman is Held Responsible by His Mother-in-Law
One day, a 25 year old policeman at a local police station told people a story about himself: "The other day, my mother-in-law asked me, ' kind of misdeeds have you done at work?' ' didn' do anything bad.' I said. My mother-in-law handed me a Falun Gong flyer and stared at me, saying, '' do anything bad, huh? Then why do the neighbors call you the ' Policeman'?' I looked at the flyer and ...

In order to help practitioners make better flyers and posters with high quality pictures and to further efforts in spreading the Fa and exposing the evil, Minghui photo net (http://photo.minghui.org/) is now collecting high quality pictures. We call on practitioners in different places to submit their high quality photos to Minghui photo net so that more practitioners can share them through this resource. How to submit your photo(s)? Please send us the website addresses where the ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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