May 13, 2001
Although Lina is only eleven, she has practiced Dafa for seven years and may be considered a veteran practitioner. Her mother, saying that music is pure by nature, encouraged Lina to take piano lessons. Lina soon realized that learning music was not all plain sailing, for following her abating emotions through practicing Dafa, her performance in music was lackluster. Her music teacher said that she didn't have 'the feeling', which is the greatest obstacle to a musician. Lina struggled for a long time on that comment. Then, she found the answer. As a practitioner of Falun Dafa, one must also conform to the human environment. To do her best, she should also express music to her best ability, in the human environment.
"We believe God was with you..."
May was approaching. All of the children were preparing for their annual exam and Lina was among them. On the day of the recital, Lina wore a pretty frock and a Falun badge, which she always pinned on her dress. With some seriousness, she walked towards the grand piano while talking quietly to it, "Piano, piano, you must give out your best sound today at our recital. We are going to tell all people the magnificent story of our Teacher." After sitting down, her eyes gazed far off in the distance. Instantly, thunderous but solemn sound rolled in, crossed the horizon, and kept rolling in. With her whole mind and spirit, and in the form of music, her piano sang praise to the Teacher, glorified the magnificent Dafa, and revealed the truth behind the suffering Dafa practitioners. Everyone in the hall was shaken in amazement; it seemed every life was also shaken in amazement. The school principal, the teachers and the panel of judges all burst into tears. The great hall, the tables and chairs, and the windows were also crying; even the piano was crying. Lina could see that they all understood the unspoken story behind the music that she played. She too, was in tears. The panel of judges said: "Only through God's hand could an eleven year old girl play with such animation and imagination, concealed with such an inconceivable power. What a magnificent melody she has played: intriguing, captivating, and yet full of emotions! It is music from heaven; it penetrates one's heart." That day, all the other children who had previously won international prizes gave way to Lina, who became the newest star of the school. "We believe God was with you when you played," they said. They believed Lina had an inconceivable, yet mysterious power behind her and they all wanted to find out the secret and the source of her driving force.
The Nine Years' Magnificent Course of Teacher

The success of Lina's performance was not by chance. She explained later, "I combined my years of Dafa practice experience when I played Bach's Concerto, starting with the Teacher's nine years of Fa dissemination and all the obstacles he overcome. During the recital, I saw Teacher in his utmost glory in his heavenly kingdom, discoursing with other heavenly Gods. He said he had decided to rectify the deviated law of the universe, to save humankind, and to disseminate the highest heavenly law ever given to people. On hearing that, all the other Gods tried to dissuade him from doing so, "Human lives are so insignificant and they have fallen beyond redemption." But, the Teacher was all mercy. He felt that even the most insignificant life is a life. It would be pitiful to have it destroyed forever.
Having convinced all other Gods, he personally navigated the Fa-boat down to earth, passing through all kinds of tribulations along the way. Many other Gods from heaven also came down to help. On arriving at earth, the Teacher went around painstakingly, disseminating the Fa, suffering enormous karmic force during the process, saving one life after another. It was sad to see the humans themselves so attached to such an illusive world. Just when they had awakened, the persecution began. The Dafa practitioners were put through the cruelest torture in history by the evil forces. Even when her blood was pouring on the snow, practitioner Chen Zixiu refused to submit even up to the last moment before death.
Watching every practitioner being tortured to death, the Teacher's eyes were filled with tears -- calling out gently to them, "Wake up and persevere." Surmounting all these obstacles one by one, the practitioners finally awakened. One after another and hand in hand, they are now following the Teacher's instructions closely. With tremendous courage, they are helping to keep others from falling over the cliff...
Lina said, "These scenes kept rolling out before my eyes. I forgot my fingers were on the keyboard, and I forgot the surroundings. I was totally engulfed between heaven and earth, and was embraced completely by the great mercifulness of our Teacher. Such power and such feelings were beyond all words."
To satisfy their curiosity, Lina finally told them her secret - the little Falun badge and the book Zhuan Falun. "This is my secret," she said, "practicing Falun Dafa and reading the book." All those attracted by Lina took great interest in the little badge and the book Zhuan Falun. Hopefully they will find new life within Dafa.
Lina also said she is a particle of Dafa and tries to display her influence in every circumstance. Even for unrelated daily activities, she still takes the opportunity to promote the Fa. That is how she opens up her own way of promoting Dafa, revealing the truth to others. She also actively combines her environment, not only making use of all opportunities, but also creating new ones. This little practitioner is now distributing Dafa materials to all her teachers and friends and their parents.
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