Feedback from Practitioners Regarding Texas Activities: Start Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Now


Feedback 1:

After reading the article published on entitled, "Clear the Field through Clarifying the Truth and Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts," some practitioners realized that we should pay full attention to this opportunity to eliminate the evil in other dimensions. Moreover, the targeted time frame for sending forth righteous thoughts should not only be limited to the few days when Jiang is visiting the United States. It should start a few days earlier; better yet, it should start now! For the evil forces to survive, they must go and "arrange the field" ahead of Jiang's arrival in the U.S. According to what we have learned, their preparations in the U.S. have been going on for several months. If we wait until Jiang's arrival to start sending forth righteous thoughts, we may have to spend a lot of time eliminating the surrounding evil field and may not achieve the effect we expected.

The Key to Completely Rejecting the Old Forces' Arrangements is to Upgrade Our Understanding from within the Fa as One Body

( Practitioners in Hong Kong recently had a discussion regarding the "anti-subversion" law; they realized that we, as one body, need to clearly recognize that this is a serious persecution of Dafa. Teacher said that when we are facing persecution, we should clarify the truth. Therefore, we should comprehensively understand the consultation document about the Article 23 legislation as well as recognize the concerned officials' lies disguised as kindness. After analyzing their "logic," we can clarify the truth to the Hong Kong residents. The following is our understanding of this persecution, which we share here with fellow Dafa practitioners around the world.

Only By "Truly Understanding Dafa with Rationality" Can We Clarify the Truth Well

( After Teacher published the new article "Hurry Up And Tell Them," some practitioners understood it in a lopsided manner, and went to extremes, instead of using rationality in clarifying the truth. For example, upon reading that there's a "tell" in the article, and "it's like sharp swords shooting out together from their mouths," they believed that Teacher requires us to tell with our mouths; upon seeing the "hurry" in the article, they went to extremes to think that: now it's time to hurry up and tell with our mouths, and gave up some effective and mature methods that have been used, such as distributing materials.

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