Now that I think about it, it seems like I haven’t sat down at a Fa Conference to answer questions for you after July 20 of 1999, right? (Warm applause) (Reply: “Right.”) Then today I’ll use this time specifically to answer questions for you. (Applause) Things that you haven’t been able to resolve for long periods of time in your personal cultivation, in the process of validating Dafa, or in the things that you have encountered—you can bring up all of them. The time is still limited, so not everybody’s can be answered, but Master will answer them as much as possible. (Applause)

Image for article Falun Gong Practitioners Around the World Protest the Show Trial of Charles Li (Photos)


Austin Practitioners: The End of the Show Trial is not the End of the Rescue

Falun Gong Practitioners in Iowa Strongly Condemn the Show Trial of Charles Li (Photo)

Image for article Falun Gong Practitioners from Different Countries Appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in Berne, Switzerland During the UN Human Rights Commission (Photos)


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On March 21 during the 59th UN Human Rights Commission, about 300 Falun Gong practitioners from different countries gathered in Berne, Switzerland to hold a parade and peaceful appeal to protest the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Image for article Australian Woman Travels to 26 Countries to Expose Her Husband's Murder In China for Practicing Falun Gong (Photos)


Carrying her young daughter and her husband's ashes, Australian Falun Gong practitioner Jane Dai is using her personal testimony to expose the crimes the Jiang regime has committed in the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

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