Today’s Articles
- ▪ After Serving Two Forced Labor Camp Terms, Mr. Hao Fengyi from Longhua County, Hebei Province is Arrested Again
- ▪ Mr. Ni Zhenxuan from Shijiazhuang City Illegally Sentenced to Three and a Half Years of Forced Labor (Photo)
- ▪ Mr. Sun Hui and His Daughter Ms. Sun Ruyan Arrested Again--Three Family Members in Prison (Photos)
- ▪ Ms. Xie Hong from Hefei City Is Arrested Again (Photo)
- ▪ Mr. Sun Baochang from Shenyang City in Critical Condition Due to Torture at Xihu Prison in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
- ▪ Supplementary Evidence Regarding How Ms. Wang Huajun Was Tortured, Then Burned to Death by the Macheng City Police
- ▪ Ms. Du Xiuqin Tortured in Hohhot Women's Forced Labor Camp
- ▪ Additional Persecution News from China - August 10, 2011 (13 Reports)
- ▪ 71 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- ▪ Age Has No Bearing on the Requirements of Dafa
- ▪ Steadfast Cultivation
- ▪ My Understanding After Studying “What Does it Mean to ‘Help Master Rectify the Fa’?”
- ▪ Twice Protected from Danger by Master
- ▪ New Practitioner Born in the 80s: Four Generations Benefit When One Person Cultivates
August 25, 2011