Today’s Articles
Oct. 16, 2023
About Dafa
- Ukraine: Peaceful Falun Dafa Exercises Resonate with the Public
- U.S. Nonprofit Organization Urges International Community to Hold CCP Accountable for Its Religious Persecution
- Bitter Winter: NGOs Publish Joint Statement Calling for UN Action Against Forced Organ Harvesting in China
- Japan: Poster Exhibition and Screening the Documentary “Human Harvest” in Saitama Prefecture
- University of Minnesota: Sharing the Joy and Inner Peace of Falun Dafa at Homecoming Parade
- Learning Falun Dafa in Prison and Putting the Moral Principles into Practice
- [Washington DC Fahui] Cultivating Away Attachments While Writing Articles
- How Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangdong Province Women’s Prison Are Tortured
- Remembering My Dear Fellow Practitioner Ms. Zou Xiuju
- Twice Jailed Woman, 70, Faces Prison Sentence Again for Her Faith in Falun Gong
- Podcast (Cultivation): Only by Cultivating Diligently Can I Repay Master for His Compassionate Help
- Master Awakens Me from Resentment
- Offering Salvation While Working at a Pharmacy