(Minghui.org) I’m a 63 year old vegetable farmer, and before I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, I had some hard to resolve illnesses. I coughed so hard that I coughed up blot clots and I sometimes collapsed and muttered nonsense. After I began practicing Falun Dafa all my illnesses disappeared.
My Family Benefits
The cyst on my mother’s neck disappeared within one month after she started practicing Falun Dafa. My brother has three daughters and they all encouraged their grandmother to practice. Even though their grades were not that good they were all admitted to colleges.
My husband’s little finger was fractured by a falling rock when he worked in the Pingdingshan Coal Mine. He also had knee problems and many finger-sized lumps on his back from years of working in the humid underground environment. All my husband’s health issues disappeared within one year after he started practicing Falun Dafa. More than 20 years have passed and his health is great.
My daughter practiced a qigong and she even tried to heal others. She visited me and urged me to stop practicing Falun Dafa. When she saw how I improved physically and mentally from practicing Falun Dafa, she no longer tried to stop me, and she even stopped practicing that qigong.
Rejecting the Persecution
After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa in July, 1999, the village officials came to me with some papers that slandered Falun Dafa and wanted me to sign them. I said, “I’m not signing anything, and I cannot let these things deceive other people!” I tore the papers up.
The police from the township police station took me to the county guest house and tried to force me to sign a statement to give up practicing Falun Dafa. I told them I couldn’t write. Then they wanted me to print my fingerprints on the papers. I refused. They wanted me to curse Dafa. I refused. Seeing that I refused to cooperate with them, they had to let me go home after they detained me for one day and one night. When they abducted me from my home, my husband told them, “She used to have mental problems. She is fine now after practicing the exercises. If she has any problems when she returns, I will hold you responsible!”
In 2003, the police took me by force to the police station while I was working in the factory. They abused me and asked me where I got the truth clarification materials about Falun Dafa. I said, “I don’t know anything.” They kicked and beat me until I passed out. They took me to the hospital and notified my husband to take me home. My husband and son rushed to the hospital. Seeing my condition, my husband told the police, “You beat her so badly that she cannot walk. Now, you drive her home.” The police drove me home.
One night I dreamed some bad guys were trying to arrest me and I shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I kept shouting until I woke up. I sincerely believe in Master and Dafa.
Falun Dafa Gave Me Wisdom and Made Me a Good Person
I used to have a bad temper and often swore at people. After I started practicing Falun Dafa, I stopped swearing and discarded all my bad habits. I became healthy and I was able to work. My family’s financial situation improved and we built a multiple story house.
When I helped a neighbor, the other villagers said, “Look! The Falun Dafa practitioner is here!” After I started practicing I often helped the villagers. The others usually stood there chatting, but I kept working.
At a village wedding I overheard a person tell someone, “Did you see that Falun Dafa practitioner whisper to someone?” I said, “If you want to know what I said, I’ll say it out aloud.” I shouted loudly, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! One is blessed if he sincerely believes in Falun Dafa!”
Before I began practicing I was stingy. I even refused to give my daughter money when she asked for it. After I began practicing I let go of my attachment to money. When my daughter or grandson asked for money, I gave it to them. Many people bought my vegetables while others had difficulties selling theirs. Some people asked me, “How do you sell your vegetables so easily?” I said, “I am blessed because I practice Falun Dafa!”
I never went to school and I couldn’t even write my own name. I joined a Fa study group after I started cultivating. While the other practitioners read the Fa, I looked at the characters in the book. I was able to read the Fa by myself within six months. When people asked if I could write, I said, “After learning Falun Dafa, not only can I write my name, I can also read such a thick book.” When they asked, “What book are you reading?” I told them, “Zhuan Falun.”
Cultivating Diligently Again
I was busy growing vegetables and selling them, and I relaxed in cultivation and telling people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. After reading Master’s recent articles, I was regretful that I wasted precious time and stopped being diligent.
I am grateful to Master for giving practitioners like me, who slacked off, more time and opportunities to cultivate. I will diligently cultivate myself and tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. I am determined to fulfill my prehistoric vow, live up to Master’s salvation, and assist Master in Fa-rectification.
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