(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in May 1999. Two days after I began reading the book Zhuan Falun my heart disease disappeared. My other illnesses were also gone.
Two months after I began practicing, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the cruel persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Protected by Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa), I was released from a detention center and a brainwashing center. I would like to share some of my experiences while participating in an effort to rescue unlawfully detained practitioners.
Stepping Forward and Taking on New Responsibilities
I’ve been involved in local coordination work and I’m mainly responsible for compiling truth-clarification materials in my area. When a number of local practitioners were illegally arrested and faced prison terms, we decided to rescue them. We hired several human rights lawyers to plead not guilty for them.
It was the first time we hired a human rights lawyer, and someone had to appear in court with him. Doing that at that time involved a certain degree of risk, and finding a suitable practitioner to take it on wasn’t easy. The person had to have enough spare time, certain abilities, and courage. The other practitioners urged me to do this.
I was a bit hesitant initially. I noticed my fear, so whenever I had negative thoughts or thought of excuses to back out, I firmly rejected them and reminded myself that I must do this. When my fear surfaced, I reminded myself, “This is related to assisting Master in saving sentient beings, I must help.”
When I firmly made up my mind, I felt very confident and filled with righteous thoughts. I told the coordinator, “No problem. I will do it!”
Improving My Xinxing
Practitioner Hui helped with similar projects before, so he contacted a human rights lawyer and asked me to take charge of the project. Two other local practitioners agreed to work with me.
Hui told us what we needed to pay attention to when hiring a lawyer. I got the gist of it and kept it in mind, but the other two practitioners didn’t seem to understand. When the three of us met, they were still confused.
I thought, “Why you don’t remember anything Hui told us?” I began to lose patience with them. I became arrogant and looked down on them. I complained about them and they left in a bad mood.
After they left, I went out to run errands and happened to see them talking together. They didn’t see me. I suddenly realized I was wrong: I shouldn’t have lost my temper. I looked within and found my arrogant mentality. I also realized that it was interference from the vicious elements in other dimensions that wanted to prevent us from working as one body to rescue practitioners. We must not let the evil succeed.
I contacted the two practitioners and apologized to them. One of them said, “The way you talked to me earlier made me think I should quit this project, but I knew I shouldn’t think that way.” We talked and improved on the basis of the Fa. Afterwards we cooperated very well.
Learning to Cooperate As One Body
Before I practiced Dafa, I was “aloof.” This attitude helped me avoid some of the degenerate moral pollution in society, but at the same time it also made me unwilling to participate in activities and I missed many opportunities to enhance my abilities and shore up my courage to get things done.
After I started practicing Falun Dafa, although I participated in local coordination work, my main responsibility was writing local truth-clarifying materials. I always thought that other practitioners should take care of the other activities.
This time, when I was entrusted to coordinate a project, my shortcomings were obvious. The first time the lawyer came, he finished what he needed to do and left. Afterwards, the other two practitioners and I had a meeting. They asked me what we should do next. I didn’t say anything as I could not think of anything to say.
At our next meeting, I still could not come up with any ideas. The other two were worried, since we did not know what to do next.
After they left, I realized that I couldn’t go on like this. I thought that if I didn’t know what to do, I could read relevant sharing articles on the Minghui website to get some ideas.
By reading those articles I got some ideas on how to proceed. I wrote them down and shared them with the other two practitioners at our next meeting.
They both were happy and said, “This sounds very good. Let’s start!”
The task was strenuous, tiring, and emotionally taxing. Sometimes I disagreed with them or they complained to others about me. When this happened I reminded myself to look within. I knew they were anxious because they wanted us to do well. I was deeply touched by their selfless cooperation and persistent efforts.
I often felt that even a trivial matter was an opportunity to let go of my attachments. Once I let it go, I always felt an indescribable joy. I knew Master was helping me improve. How could I possibly improve without these opportunities to expose my shortcomings and attachments?
Before the lawyer returned, we had another meeting and we were clear about what needed to be done. After the lawyer left, we had another sharing to reflect on how things were progressing and what we needed to do next. We also notified other practitioners to send righteous thoughts. We made truth-clarification materials and posters to distribute in the local area and submitted articles to the Minghui website to report what was happening in our area. We also wrote open letters to those who worked in public security, the procuratorate and the court and we distributed them in local communities. We practitioners cooperated very well as one body, with our common goal of assisting Master in saving more people.
Local practitioners all supported the project to rescue detained practitioners. We arranged to have a car for the lawyer and other cars with practitioners to follow the lawyer’s car to send righteous thoughts to support him.
I traveled with the lawyer and the practitioners’ relatives so that we could talk. We also made appropriate arrangements to ensure safety and security. Every practitioner had strong righteous thoughts, and the lawyer felt very confident and was happy with our arrangements.
The entire field was filled with strong righteous energy. Some practitioners said that it felt like 20 years ago when we went to Beijing to appeal when the CCP began to persecute Falun Dafa.
A Powerful, Righteous Energy Field
Local practitioners sent righteous thoughts during the trial. Practitioners from surrounding areas also came to support us when they heard the news. We stood along both sides of the road to the courthouse and sent righteous thoughts. All around the courthouse there were special armed police, personnel from each township, leaders and officers in plainclothes from the national security brigade of the police department.
I walked up to the courthouse and stood with relatives of practitioners on trial. I carefully observed everything, and collected first-hand information for a report I later sent to the Minghui website.
I saw one practitioner standing calmly next to the head of the 610 Office. I also heard a plainclothes officers tell others, “Look, that one is a Falun Dafa practitioner.” They seemed to know who were practitioners, but they didn’t do anything.
Some practitioners remained in their cars and sent righteous thoughts, while others stood along the road and sent righteous thoughts. The whole area was filled with righteous energy and effectively suppressed the evil. Practitioners had no fear or worries—all they could feel was the strong righteous energy field.
Our lawyer defended the practitioners’ innocence during the trial, and everyone listened to him quietly. It felt as if Master arranged it this way so that those people could hear the truth. I sincerely hoped they would all be saved.
After a practitioner was released, he told us that he could feel the entire courtroom was filled with the power of practitioners’ righteous thoughts.
During the process of rescuing the practitioners, I improved in my cultivation. I learned to look within when facing difficulties and to cultivate my xinxing at all times. I stopped looking outward and looking for others’ shortcomings. I learned how to cultivate solidly, which brought me true happiness.
My ability to do things also improved, and I no longer avoid taking on new tasks or responsibilities to coordinate activities. Plus, I freed myself from the “small circle” of writing and compiling documents that I’d limited myself to in the past.
The other practitioners said I changed and improved and that I now show more consideration for other practitioners. One said, “Master gave you something special when you took on that responsibility.” It’s true, as I also felt that it was a process and a precious opportunity for me to become more mature and to elevate in cultivation.
Whenever I recall what happened during that time, my eyes fill with tears.
During each episode and battle between the righteous and the evil as we were seeking to rescue those practitioners, all the practitioners in our area stepped forward to send strong righteous thoughts, and the evil did not dare to do anything. All this happened thanks to the power and immense compassion of our Master.
Articles in which cultivators share their understandings typically reflect an individual's perception at a point in time based on their cultivation state, and they are offered in the spirit of enabling mutual elevation.
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Category: Cultivation Insights