(Minghui.org) I am 80 years old and have been practicing Falun Dafa for 28 years. When I was in my 30s, I suffered from severe insomnia and often caught colds. Sometimes, I couldn’t sleep for more than 10 days and then felt dizzy during the day. I also had other ailments, such as gastric ulcers. I tried everything, including other types of qigong, but nothing worked. As I aged, I got more illnesses. The insomnia became more severe, and my bile ducts became blocked.

In 1996, the day before I was admitted to the hospital for a bile duct resection operation, I was fortunate enough to hear about Falun Dafa and that it miraculously cured illnesses. So I left the hospital and went home. After doing the Dafa exercises for less than three months, all my ailments disappeared, and I avoided surgery. Here, I want to say how grateful I am for the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa! Thank you, to our compassionate and great Master for saving me!

When I first started practicing Falun Dafa, I read Zhuan Falun and paid special attention to the character “Forbearance” in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, because I had a bad temper. My colleagues at work said that I was straightforward, and did not intend to hurt others, nor did I guard against others. While I had wanted to improve myself, I always thought that I would never be able to change my bad temper. However, through Dafa cultivation, I changed and learned to be patient. When I was very angry, I held it in and did not say anything. Later, I gradually got used to being patient. Then I was able to be truly peaceful from the bottom of my heart and think of others first.

I Didn’t Get Angry When Publicly Humiliated

In 2008, I was implicated by a fellow practitioner for clarifying the truth, and was illegally sentenced to three years and six months in prison. The prison instructor in the second ward was very tough. When she saw that I would not give up my belief, she organized a team to work on me. They insulted me and humiliated me. They cuffed my hands and hung them on the window bars to threaten me. Once, the guard instructor gathered more than 300 inmates in the second ward, called me to the front of the assembly hall, cursed me fiercely for about an hour with an electric baton in her hand, and ordered each inmate to write materials criticizing me.

At that time, I silently recited Master’s teachings:

“Forbearance is the key to improving one’s xinxing. To endure with anger, grievance, or tears is the forbearance of an everyday person who is attached to his concerns. To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator.” (“What is Forbearance (Ren)?” Essentials for Further Advancement)

While I recited this paragraph, I stayed calm as if the instructor wasn’t scolding me. I felt an extraordinary inner peace and tranquility as if those accusations and insults had nothing to do with me.

When I returned to my cell to sleep, I was still thinking: “Dafa is so good. I won’t be angry anymore. If you criticize me, I must calmly shout on the stage: ‘Falun Dafa is good!’ But I won’t get angry. It is the evil who is angry.” I felt at ease when I thought about it this way.

The day after I was scolded, a section chief from the prison came to investigate and asked me how I was scolded. It was interesting that I didn’t remember it at all. Later, the prison instructor just collected the hundreds of criticism materials written by the inmates and handed them to the section chief. No criticism meeting was held, and their plans ended in nothing. I realized it was the power of Dafa and our compassionate and great Master who protected me. For the remainder of my imprisonment, no one tried to transform me.

While in Detention, I Always Tried to Remember I Am a Dafa Practitioner

In 2020, I was reported for distributing truth-clarification materials by people who didn’t know the truth about Dafa. My home was ransacked, and I was taken to a detention center. There were more than 30 people held in a small room, and more than a dozen people had to sleep on the floor at night. We were all brought together by fate, regardless of the reason. They were all sentient beings that I needed to save. During the day, I took the initiative to clarify the truth to the cell leader. She had a good impression of me.

Every night, there was a half-hour-long “management meeting” in the cell, and each detainee had to say a few words. Each person just said a few words about how they felt, like “I miss my home” or “I miss my children.” But I am a cultivator, and this was a good opportunity to clarify the truth to them and save them. On the third day, it was my turn to speak, and I wisely repeated the truth-clarification contents of the Tiananmen Square self-immolation hoax, what happened at the April 25 appeal, why the Communist Party persecutes Falun Dafa, the case-handling unit for Dafa persecution cases, and so on.

Each night, I told them one or two topics. At first, they were a little afraid because of the monitoring camera and asked me to change the topic, saying the camera was voice-activated and the guards and staff on duty would check it. I said, “Whoever listens will benefit and have good fortune.”

On the day I was interrogated, I told the others in the cell about the conversations that occurred during the interrogation by the “case-handling” personnel, which was basically my clarifying the truth to them. The inmates and the cell leaders dared to listen to this, because they thought we were talking about the interrogation and the guards would not pay attention to it.

Every night, I used this format to talk about a topic, and they enjoyed listening to me. Sometimes, I also combined my clarifying the truth with information about traditional culture or Dafa’s health benefits. For example, a detainee said, “Grandma, you sleep so well. You snore as soon as you fall asleep.” I took the opportunity to talk about my painful experience of insomnia before practicing Falun Dafa and the physical and mental changes in me after practicing. Sometimes the cell leader would simply summarize the production information for that day and give me the bulk of the time to talk. She also asked me to sit in the front to make sure I had the opportunity to speak.

Every time I finished speaking, everyone applauded to show their approval. A person in the next cell asked the cell leader why she clapped so often. She replied, “This was a happy event.” This continued until I was taken to prison, and no guards interfered with us. Everyone had the opportunity to hear the truth.

There were 43 people who quit the Chinese Community Party (CCP) or its affiliates. I told them that only by quitting the Party can they save themselves and stay safe! They all believed me. Because I was wrongly imprisoned for three and a half years, I, unfortunately, did not have the opportunity to post the list of those who wanted to quit online. While in prison, I recalled the list every day for about a year, fearing that I would forget the names. Later on, I did not have the opportunity to take the list out, I only remembered the name of the cell leader. I hope the rest of them will meet practitioners again.

A Short Story About Truth-clarification

A friend gave me a ride to go shopping in the city. An elderly man from my friend’s hometown was also in the car. On the way, I clarified the truth to the man, but he didn’t accept what I said. He remarked, “I have five sons, all of whom have good jobs. One of them is a county head and another is a boss. I have been a Party member for decades and don’t want to quit.” We sent forth righteous thoughts and told him that quitting the Party is for one’s salvation. Forty minutes passed, and when we were about to reach our destination, he turned around and said to us: “I agree to quit.” I was happy that he made the right choice, and handed him an amulet. He said, “Do you have any more? Please, give me another one.”

I asked him who he was going to give it to. He replied, “It’s for my grandson.” I handed him another amulet and wished him peace and happiness! After we said goodbye to the elderly man, we went home.

At the break of dawn the next day, the elderly man walked nearly 10 miles from his hometown in the countryside to my friend’s house and asked, “Is that person from yesterday at your house? I didn’t sleep all night because I was afraid she forgot about my quitting the Party, so I came to ask her early in the morning.”

My friend said, “She’s not here, but she won’t forget.” The man smiled and said that he could rest assured.

I was deeply touched by that. I know I cannot slack off any longer. As a particle of Dafa, I have a great responsibility to assist Master in Fa-rectification.

I am grateful to our compassionate Master for lifting me up and changing me, and pulling me away from the human world. I am grateful to the practitioners at Minghui.org for their unremitting hard work, which has enabled me to understand a lot and benefit from the experience sharing articles. I am extremely fortunate. Fa-rectification is coming to an end. I must study the Fa well, cultivate myself well, use righteous thoughts to save more people, and be a true disciple of Master.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!