(Minghui.org) To celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, practitioners in Taitung County held celebrations in front of the county stadium on May 11, 2024.

Practitioners gathered in front of the Taitung County Stadium to wish Master a happy birthday on May 11, 2024.

Practitioners do the exercises in front of the Taitung County Stadium.

Falun Dafa practitioners thank Master for his compassionate salvation.

Little practitioners wish Master a happy birthday.

When One Person Practices Falun Dafa, the Whole Family Benefits

Yu Hua and her family of more than ten people practice Falun Dafa. She is endlessly grateful to Master, and said, “Thank you compassionate Master for spreading the Fa and allowing our family to be bathed in the Buddha’s light. I still have many shortcomings and I will continue to identify and eliminate them. Our entire family sincerely wishes Master a happy birthday!”

Wen Bin began practicing last year, and now joins the others to do the exercises almost every morning. He said that Falun Dafa helped him get rid of his long-standing addiction to cigarettes.

Wen Bin

Veterinary hospital owner Lin Rui-guang and his wife thanked compassionate Master for saving them.

Falun Dafa Has the Power to Calm People’s Hearts

Yanping and Jianhong both work in southern Hualien, and they talked about their cultivation experiences.

Yanping is a primary school teacher. When the earthquake hit, her students panicked. Yanping said she also panicked, but she remembered that she was a Falun Dafa practitioner. She was able to remain calm and guide the children to evacuate immediately.

She said the power of the Fa allowed her to quickly let go of her worries and fears, and also stabilized the children’s fearful hearts. After the earthquake, she looked around and saw everything was safe and sound. She was grateful to Master and Dafa for protecting their family.

Yanping and Jianhong

Jianhong said that he understood the purpose of the entire process of human history by studying Master’s new scripture “How Humankind Came To Be,” and knew that nothing is accidental. When encountering emergencies, he will not worry too much. Repeating of “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” will make him feel at ease, and he will think about how to help the people around him.

Grateful for Master’s Protection

Bi-yun, who has practiced for 25 years, fell while riding her motorcycle. She immediately thought, “I am a practitioner. I am fine. Master, please help me.” She silently recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” Several passers-by helped her up, and she rode her motorcycle home.


Her family took her to the hospital for a check-up, only to discover that one of her hands was fractured. A bone was protruding, so she needed surgery. Her family members, who were not practitioners at that time, were all surprised, because only her hand was injured. They said Master must have protected her.

The surgery was successful and she recovered quickly. Her husband was worried that she would be depressed, but she was not affected. She said, “As a cultivator, I understand that nothing happens by chance. When difficulties come, you have to bear some of your karma. I am grateful to Master for helping me, and giving me this opportunity.”

Xiu-feng also fell a while ago, resulting in fractures in both hands and she had difficulty moving. She said, “In addition to taking care of my family, I also insisted on studying the Fa and practicing the exercises as much as possible. Fortunately, Master is looking after me and I recovered quickly. Thank you Master.”