(Minghui.org) I was born and raised in a remote valley in Guizhou Province inhabited mostly by the Buyi ethnic group. When I was little, I had to take care of my younger brother and sister and didn’t go to school. My mother eventually sent me to school two years later, but I had to go with my younger siblings and take care of them. I had a hard time focusing in class and didn’t learn much. When I was 19, I moved to the capital city, worked in a factory, and later got married.

My husband and I became Falun Dafa practitioners in 1993 after attending Master’s lectures in our city. Our health and characters improved greatly. I feel very fortunate and thank Master for offering me salvation. Because many of my relatives support my belief in Falun Dafa, they also experienced fortunate events. On the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public, I’d like to share my stories as witness to the great things and miracles Falun Dafa has given us.

A Falling Metal Crate Just Misses My Husband

My husband worked in a machine shop. One day the wire attached to a large metal crate hanging above him broke. The crate and its heavy truck parts were falling right toward him. The other workers screamed in terror, knowing that my husband would be crushed in a split second.

But just before the heavy items crashed into him, an unknown force lifted him up and threw him a few meters away from where the crate landed. Everyone rushed to him, exclaiming, “So it seems that you can fly!” Dumbfounded and in shock, he couldn’t utter a word.

He came home and told me what had happened, and we both knew that Master had lifted him to a safe place before the crate could end his life.

Little Girl’s Tumor Disappears

My brother’s granddaughter, who lives in the valley, had an abnormal growth on her neck. Even though it was benign, it grew to be several pounds and the little girl’s neck could not bear the weight anymore. Her family had to push it up on her shoulder. Seeing her in so much pain, my brother borrowed some money and took her to a hospital. The doctor refused to operate on her because it was too large, and the operation could be life threatening.

One day the girl’s father brought her to visit me. I told them about Falun Dafa and urged them to recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” I gave each of them a Falun Dafa talisman. They returned to the valley and ten days later her father called me to say, “The tumor on her neck is getting smaller by the day!”

When I visited home a few years later and saw the girl, she was very pretty and there was no lump on her neck. She was in the eleventh grade and earned outstanding grades. Her teachers and classmates liked her. She always remembered that the Master of Falun Dafa saved her life.

Heart Attack Symptoms Vanish

The wife of one of my nephews in the valley in the valley suffered a heart attack. The couple went to the hospital in the city where I lived for treatment several times. They spent a lot of money but her symptoms remained. One day she came to the city to see the doctor, and I asked her to stop by my house so that I could teach her the Falun Dafa exercises.

After doing the exercises, she said, “It felt like something left my body. I feel very relaxed and comfortable.” I gave her an audiotape with the exercise music and audiotapes of Master’s lectures. She has since taken up Dafa and has never had a heart problem since. Several of her family members also began to practice Dafa after that.

Grandson Struck by a Truck

My oldest grandson once walked in front of a truck. The driver didn’t see him, so he struck him and ran over one of his legs. Realizing that he had hit someone, the driver hit the brakes.

My grandson removed his leg from under the truck’s front wheel, stood up, and started walking. Bystanders came over and asked him, “Who does your family worship? It’s unbelievable that you can still walk after a truck rolled over your leg.”

My grandson has not had any problem with that leg since that day.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)