(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from northern England held activities in Liverpool on May 12, 2024, to introduce Falun Dafa to the public as a way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day. Their activities were well-received.

World Falun Dafa Day is celebrated on May 13 every year. Falun Dafa was first introduced to the public on this date in China 32 years ago. It is also the birthday of Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Liverpool, an important port northwest of London, is home to the oldest Chinatown in Europe.

Practitioners’ slow, graceful movements as they did the exercises, accompanied by the soothing exercise music, attracted the attention of passersby, and many stopped to watch. People came to the booth to get information about the free workshops where they could learn Falun Dafa. Several people told practitioners that they especially liked Falun Dafa’s meditation exercise and wanted to participate in group practice at a local practice site.

Practitioners from northern England introduce Falun Dafa in Liverpool on May 12 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day.

Two young ladies had taken flyers about Falun Dafa from practitioners before. When they came across practitioners again this time, they both signed the petition. One said, “Falun Dafa’s principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance make us more wonderful. [The practice] should be respected and spread widely so that more people can benefit from it.”

One man said to a practitioner, “These brochures are glittering and contain strong energy. Can I have a few more? I want to hand them out to my neighbors and friends so that they can understand the facts and be safe.” He also took a handmade lotus flower with “Falun Dafa Is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is Good” written on it. He said it was an amulet, and he would hang it on the door of his home for protection.

A middle-aged woman who read the displays boards with information about Falun Dafa asked a practitioner some questions and then said, “The Chinese Communist Party has been lying. It concealed the pandemic and caused the virus to spread widely, which killed millions of people. It persecutes people with religious beliefs. The whole world should condemn it.”