(Minghui.org) My mother-in-law was the youngest and most favored child in her family. As my father-in-law was significantly older, he doted on her after they married. She was domineering, and easily became angry to the point of fainting when things did not go her way. She required acupressure treatments to recover.

After I married into this family, I faced many challenges. Items allocated to me during property division were demanded back, and my mother-in-law often refused to acknowledge what she did or said. She also gossiped about me to the neighbors.

With my husband often away for work, I managed the household alone, caring for our child, farming, and raising livestock. Even when I was obviously overwhelmed, my mother-in-law would stand in the doorway, and chat. She did not offer to help, or she claimed she needed to tend the fields—yet we were expected to give her money every month to cover her expenses. When we sometimes had to delay the payments due to our finances, she became upset.

When my husband returned home and was about to weed the garden, she complained about me to him, which led to an argument. Feeling misunderstood and frustrated, I began resenting her. This impacted my health, and I became constipated, had blood in my stool, and migraine headaches. Each day was unbearable.

I started practicing Falun Dafa and understood the meaning of life through studying Zhuan Falun in late 1998. I stopped resenting my mother-in-law, which improved my mental state and health. I no longer needed any medication. Now, I focus on making and distributing Falun Dafa materials, even during the COVID pandemic.

As my mother-in-law aged, we invited her to live with us so we could take care of her. I quit my job to tend to her daily needs. With her harsh words, I sometimes struggle to maintain my composure.

Once, she urinated on her bed and the floor, and walked around, spreading the urine everywhere. I asked her to stay put while I cleaned, and said that her diabetes made her urine sticky. She said, “You have to mop it up.” My husband remained silent.

Feeling resentful and jealous—taking care of her, yet facing her stubbornness—I remembered the teachings of Falun Dafa. I realized that conflicts are not coincidental and I began examining myself. I had attachments to fighting, showing off, zealotry, resentment and ego, and I often tried to change others, but did not cultivate myself.

I understood that these challenges were not just interactions but lessons in my spiritual cultivation, orchestrated by Master to aid my growth. I no longer resent my mother-in-law.

My understanding of the Fa is limited, so kindly correct me if I said anything inappropriate.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)