Image for article “An Extraordinary Accomplishment with Very Few Parallels Worldwide” (Part 2): Flag-Raising Ceremonies in 11 Cities in Canada Honor World Falun Dafa Day

From April 29 to May 13, Canadian towns from east to west raised Falun Dafa Day flags and expressed appreciation for the positive impact the practice has had on society.

Image for article Introducing Falun Dafa in Reims, France

Crowds of people learned about Falun Dafa at the Joan of Arc Festival in Reims on May 25. Some learned the exercises and others signed a petition protesting the persecution.

Image for article Japan: City Councilor Calls for Immediate Release of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Guaiyan Detained in China

Representative Hiroaki Maruyama called on the Chinese Communist Party to release Ms. Wang Guaiyan, the mother of Japanese practitioner Zhang Yiwen.

Image for article Persecution of Falun Gong Claims Married Couple’s Lives Six Years Apart, Husband Once Shot by Police and Jailed for 14 Years

Jiang Honglu, 66, died in a senior center in January. He was paralyzed in both legs from being tortured in prison and was unable to speak coherently.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] “Don’t Record This!”

After Falun Dafa gives hope to a woman in despair over losing her leg, she stands up to the authorities who want to use her to defame the practice.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Miraculous Encounters Convince Me to Practice Falun Dafa

The author "didn’t believe anyone could improve their health just by doing the Falun Dafa exercises and reading books." What changed her mind?

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