(Minghui.org) I recently read an experience-sharing article written by a practitioner about validating Dafa in Beijing in 2002. It mentioned that local practitioners went to Tiananmen Square several times to hold up truth-clarification banners and called out loud “Falun Dafa is good.” Except for a few practitioners who were arrested, all other practitioners returned home safely. I was among the ones who safely returned.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had persecuted Dafa for more than two years at the time. I witnessed many instances when the Dafa disciples who went to Beijing were arrested. 

I thought about what Master said:

“If a cultivator can let go of the thought of life and death under any circumstance, evil is sure to be afraid of him. If every student is able to do that, the evil will of itself no longer exist. All of you are aware of the principle of mutual-generation and mutual-inhibition. If you have no fear, the factor that would make you afraid will cease to exist. This is not to be self-imposed, but is achieved by truly and calmly letting go.” (“Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)” in The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I thought, “Since I am here to validate Dafa, I have to truly get results. I must cultivate myself, let go of fear, and then validate Dafa in an upright and dignified manner.” By continuously studying the Fa, I reached a state where my mind was as calm as still water, and I knew I could do it. Before I left home, I thought, “I will return safely and write an article about my experience of validating the Fa and send it to the Minghui website.” Given this pure thought, I did not run into any problems. The process went smoothly, and the Minghui website published my article later.

At that time, Tiananmen Square was heavily guarded. Plainclothes officers and police cars were everywhere. The officers carrying walkie-talkies stood guard every 4 or 5 meters. I was only about 10 meters away from them. I held a banner and shouted the phrases that clarify the truth. The police seemed numb to it. In the face of a Dafa disciple’s righteous thoughts, the CCP was useless. 

I realized that when a Dafa disciple’s righteous thoughts comply with the requirements of the Fa at that cultivator’s level, and he/she denies the CCP persecution, Master will be able to protect the disciple. At the same time, the power that Master bestows on his disciples can also manifest and protect them.

When I went to Beijing to validate the Fa, it was the first time I went to the airport by myself. After I got off a long-distance bus, I didn’t know how to proceed to the airport. I asked around as I walked, and finally met a man riding a motorcycle who gave me a ride. He dropped me off at the check point and refused to take money from me. I was among the last few who checked-in. If it were not for him giving me a ride, I would have missed the plane.

I mailed my ID card home right after getting off the plane in Beijing, lest it might expose my identity. On the same day, I took the train home after I had validated the Fa at Tiananmen Square. There were five or six officers playing with a little boy at the entrance to the train station. I walked behind them and an officer shouted from behind: “ID! ID!” A passenger behind me went back, and I continued walking forward without looking back. Later, I enlightened that Master arranged these things to help and protect me.

The Old Forces Watch Our Every Thought Closely

One night, I went to a residential building to distribute the truth-clarifying materials. I started from the top floor down. A young man walked up when I reached the first floor. I felt he might be ill-intentioned. Instead of proceeding to distribute the materials to units on the first floor, I walked out of the building and kept walking on the street slowly. Then, I heard the sound of someone running behind me, and the young man shouted, “Auntie! Auntie!” I remained calm and didn’t have any fear. I turned around with a smile, and he took a step back in fright. He touched his head with one hand and smiled awkwardly. I said, “Do you know me?” He said, “No, no.” “What can I do for you?” He hesitated. I said, “It’s okay. Just tell me.” He said, “Are you distributing the truth materials?” 

I smiled and asked, “What are the truth materials? Is it an advertisement?” He said, “No, you can leave now.” Thus, I walked away safely given Master’s protection. As for why he was frightened and embarrassed, I enlightened that it was probably a cultivator’s righteous thoughts that destroyed the evil behind him, and his human side became afraid. Had I been fearful at the time, I might have faced real danger.

I looked inward at why it happened to me and why I faced this trouble. I found I had a wrong thought; I had previously thought that once my son got married, I would have nothing to worry about. Subconsciously, I must have been lax about safety or did not want to be concerned about being caught. This unrighteous thought was used by the evil to persecute me. It would have been disastrous if it wasn’t for Master protecting me.

I learned that a practitioner developed illness symptoms and was hospitalized. I felt sorry for her lack of righteous thoughts. At the same time, I was moved by my affection for her and cried hard about her when at home. I cried so much that I couldn’t send righteous thoughts calmly at noon. Suddenly I realized: I was wrong, I was driven by sentimentality. I tried to let go of the emotion toward the practitioner in my heart, but the old forces used it as an excuse to persecute me, and I began to lose my appetite. 

One day when I was sending righteous thoughts, a scene appeared before my eyes: a room with white walls and a bed with a white sheet on it. My mind told me that this was my ward, and I immediately denied it and said to it, “I am destroying you now!” A week later, I was fine.

The old forces are watching our every thought. We know from the Fa that the old forces long ago arranged for us to have these bad thoughts, and now they use these bad thoughts to try to persecute us. They are really extremely evil!

Having cultivated for a quarter of a century, I was grateful for Master’s compassion. In my dream, Master led me up a mountain like a loving father. Every step of my moving forward was accompanied by Master’s endurance and hard work. Thinking about what Master has endured for so many disciples and sentient beings, my heart aches. While writing this article, tears blurred my eyes several times. I feel sorry that I cannot repay Master’s kindness, and I can only cultivate myself well to live up to Master’s compassion.

Recalling the past, I experienced the surprise and excitement in my early days of obtaining Dafa. There was confusion and puzzling after the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Dafa. There was the helplessness and frustration when I couldn’t get over my illness karma, and there was also my rock-solid faith in Master after I understood the principles of the Fa. There was the ease and detachment of letting go of life and death; the freedom and calmness of giving up the attachment to fame, wealth, and love; there was joy, relief, and gratitude after sentient beings were saved; there was also the anxiety and worry for beings who do not know the truth, and so on. There were so many things I was enlightened to along the way. Every step I take is inseparable from Master’s protection. Master is really everywhere!
