(Minghui.org) Practitioner Ling and I went to a remote mountain village to clarify the truth. We passed a rural primary school on the way back. The school was not big, consisting of only a few simple houses. We stopped by to drink water and wash our hands. 

It was lunchtime at the school. Four students were washing their hands, and we chatted with them. The teachers and students who lived nearby went home for lunch. Those who lived far away brought lunch and ate at school.

Erasing the Young Pioneers’ Blood Oath 

We told them, “Let me tell you something good. The red scarves you’re wearing are dyed with the blood of the dead. It is unlucky to wear them. Let’s discard them and quit the Young Pioneers to keep safe. We will help you erase the blood oath you made to ‘fight for communism for life,’ okay?” The students all agreed and told us their names.

We followed them to the classroom. The children in the classroom ranged from eight or nine years old to over ten years old. It seemed that several grades were taught together. 

The students who had just quit the Young Pioneers called the children in the classroom out two or three at a time and asked us to tell them the truth. Ling told them, and they all agreed. They told us their names, and I recorded them. There were over 30 students who agreed to quit the Young Pioneers.

We told the children that Falun Dafa is the Buddha Fa and has been spread to more than 100 countries around the world. They listened attentively. In the end, we explained they must remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I’m grateful to Master for his compassionate arrangements that allowed these children to choose a bright future for themselves.

Villagers Help Me Spread the Truth

A practitioner took me to the countryside on a motorcycle to clarify the truth and distribute the truth materials. The villagers were happy to see us, and they rushed over to get our materials, CDs, and amulets. A young man said, “There is another village that l can take you to, more people are there.”

When we arrived, a deaf-mute young woman knew we were there to spread the truth and Dafa’s blessings, she was so excited that she summoned almost everyone over. 

At this time, a black car drove up. The young man who led us there said, “Everyone keep quiet and let the car by.” Everyone fell silent and moved sideways to let the car through. They then gathered back around to get the materials. 

I understand that the villagers were protecting us. We continued distributing the materials while clarifying the truth and urging people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.) After a while, all the materials were given out and dozens of people quit the CCP and its affiliates.

A young man got on the back seat of my companion’s motorcycle to see what else was in the pouch. When he found two posters, he said, “I’ll help you post them.” He then affixed them to the telephone poles. 

A Village Official Who Did Not Care

When I distributed the truth materials in another rural area, I started pasting a poster on a telephone pole. Before I was done, a person shouted from behind, “What are you doing? That telephone pole belongs to me, and I don’t allow posting.” I was not afraid. I affixed the poster and pressed it tight with my hands. I looked back, and noticed he appeared to be a village official. I said, “Let me read it to you: Bring Jiang Zemin to justice! Bring Liu Yunshan to justice!”

The official became silent upon hearing my words. He then got on his bicycle and left, as though nothing had happened. 

A Stalker Promises Not to Do Bad Things Again

Practitioner Lan and I went to distribute the truth materials at night. I walked downstairs with a bag of the materials while she waited there. A man in his forties glared at us and followed us as we walked. He stopped as we stopped. 

Lan and I both felt something was wrong. I said to Lan, “Let’s go separately and see what he wants to do.” I hid behind a car on the side of the road while Lan entered a housing community. The man didn’t know what to do, he looked around and was not sure which one of us to follow.

I was convinced he was following us, and knew we had to tell him the truth so he would not do bad things anymore. I walked out from behind the car and asked him sternly, “What are you trying to do? Why follow us?” He didn’t expect that I would dare to face him directly. He was frightened and stammered, “I’m not a bad person, I’m not a bad person.” I said, “Then why did you follow us?” He said.“Someone gave me two thousand yuan to do it.” 

I told him the principle that good deeds would be rewarded and evil deeds would be punished. If one does bad things, one will get retribution, as one has to bear the responsibility for their actions. I told him not to let others take advantage of him; it is not good for either him or his children.

The man appeared shaken, “I understand now. My child is only 13 years old.” He kept saying nice words and promised that he would not do bad things again. 

We didn’t talk much since I was carrying a big bag of materials. Afterward, we finished distributing everything in my bag.