(Minghui.org) I saw heavy snow falling outside when I was sending righteous thoughts at 12 o’clock midnight. I arose at 3 a.m. and got dressed to practice the exercises. A thought occurred to me that I needed to sweep the snow earlier today; otherwise my next-door neighbor, an 80-year-old man, would sweep the snow before me. 

I went outside my door, but I could not find the broom and snow shovel. I went to the outside of another unit, took their broom and snow shovel that their children would play with and started sweeping the snow. The area in front of our unit is not large, and I finished sweeping it in about 10 minutes. I returned the broom, but kept the snow shovel. I thought I’d borrow the shovel to clear away the snow next time, since their children wouldn’t play with it in the cold weather anyway. 

That day happened to be the day for a group Fa study. After breakfast, I got on my electric bike and went to the Fa study site. As I was rushing up an uphill section of road, the world suddenly started to spin. The handlebar of my electric bike circled around the left side of my chest, I fell heavily on my back, and I couldn’t breathe, as the wind was knocked out of me.

At this critical moment, I thought of our compassionate Master. Although I could not speak, Master knows what I’m thinking. I called out from the depths of my heart, “Save me, Master! Master, I was wrong this morning. A cultivator should not use other people’s things and not return them. Although it was not a big deal, there are no small things on the path of cultivation. From now on, I will follow the standards of Dafa, regardless of how big or small it is.

“It was my human attachment today that brought about this persecution by the old forces. I do not accept this persecution, and Master does not acknowledge it either. I made a mistake in my cultivation, I will correct myself according to the Fa and will not allow the old forces to persecute my body.” 

My mind was clear. “Master, please save me!” I called out in my heart again, and I could breathe instantly. I stood up, lifted up my bike, and began riding while enduring pain in my chest and back. As I rode, I declared from the bottom of my heart: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I soon arrived at the Fa study group, and the pain became bearable at that moment.

After studying the Fa and returning home, I thought, “Since the old forces want to cause harm to my body, I will do the exercises. I’ll just do the moving exercises, the first, third, and fourth exercises.” Following the exercise music for the “Buddha Maitreya Stretching His Back” movement of the first exercise (The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection), my ribs crackled when I stretched my arms, and it hurt so much that I was sweating. 

When I got to the fourth exercise, my hands could not move down to my knees, and the pain was unbearable. I thought, “The old forces are using the harm to my body to weaken my will and prevent me from practicing the exercises. I will not be fooled by it.” By the time I did the exercise for the second time, I felt less pain. I tried my best to do the movements accurately, despite the pain.

I went to bed to rest and watched NTDTV. After about 10 minutes, my vision suddenly went black, and my heart stopped beating for about a minute. Again, at this critical moment, I thought of Master. Instantly, my eyes returned to normal, and my heart started beating normally. Master’s plan was to use the harm caused to my body by the old forces to repay a major debt I owed from a previous life. 

I realized that in the midst of tribulations, one needs to treat oneself as a true cultivator. If one can truly do it, our compassionate Master can do anything for him or her. One would find that, 

““After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!”” (“Lecture Nine” in Zhuan Falun)

My mother-in-law called me several times and wanted to accompany me to the hospital. When she asked me how I felt, I said, “I’m ok, there’s no pain. But my ribs crackle when I cough up phlegm.” She said, “You have to go to the hospital to get an X-ray. I will call a taxi to take you to the hospital.” I told her that I would be fine in a few days. She exclaimed, “I’ll be at your home soon!” 

I knew I couldn’t let ordinary people misunderstand Dafa and Dafa disciples. I needed to demonstrate the extraordinary nature of Dafa. A non-cultivator would be immobile for weeks with broken ribs or soft-tissue injuries in the back, but I was still doing whatever I needed to as usual.

When my mother-in-law and I arrived at the hospital, she walked in front and I walked behind. The doctor asked who had the problem because I didn’t show any pain. I said, “It’s me. I fell while riding an electric bike.” He asked me, “What are your symptoms now?” I replied, “My bones made a crackling noise when I coughed up phlegm.” He said, “It must be a fracture. We need to take an image.” 

After taking the X-ray, the doctor said it was a broken rib and gave me a prescription. I asked, “Doctor, are you giving me a prescription? There is no need, I haven’t taken medicine for more than 20 years. I just need to know if it’s a fracture.” He replied, “Okay, you go home and get some good rest.” I thanked him and assured him I would be fine soon.

After I got home, it was as though nothing had happened. Everything was normal, every day was as usual; I did the three things, studying the Fa, sending righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth to save people.

My Brother-in-law Finally Understands the Truth 

The Chinese New Year holiday was approaching, and it’s customary to visit relatives and friends during this time. I planned to go to my sister’s house first, because her husband had refused, for years, to hear the truth about Dafa. My sister, also a Falun Dafa practitioner, was taken to a brainwashing center and tortured to death. Afterward, her husband formed a bad opinion about Dafa. Whenever we got together, he would get angry if Dafa was mentioned. 

I did as planned. I went to their house with the intention of saving sentient beings and awakening ordinary people’s faith in Dafa. When I arrived, my brother-in-law asked me, “Did you come by car?” I replied, “No, I came by electric bike.” He was surprised. He knew I had fractured my rib. I took off my coat and said to him, “I came specifically to see you today. Let’s chat for a while.”

He was hospitalized in 2022, and he was still recovering. I asked, “Do I look like someone who is in pain, or who is in unbearable discomfort?” He replied, “Then you must not have had a fracture. My soft tissue was injured in 2022, and I stayed in bed for three months. How could you ride an electric bike with a broken rib?” “I’m different from you! I have Master to protect me!” He exclaimed, “If your Master really protects you, you wouldn’t get any fractures!” He stood up and sat down several times. 

I remembered Master’s words:

“... if such a body were to be hit by a car, the bones may still fracture, and if it were cut with a knife, it would still bleed, for the molecular combinations have not changed. It is just that the cells will not naturally die out or naturally age... ” (Lecture Two in Zhuan Falun)

When I finished telling him this passage of Fa taught by Master, he sat there calmly and did not stand up. It was Master who eliminated all the evil factors that controlled him in other dimensions. I said, “I have an image of my injury that was taken at the hospital, I’ll show it to you when I come next time if you want to see. This is the difference between a cultivator and a non-cultivator. When people encounter problems and sincerely recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ calamities will turn into good fortune.” He listened and understood, and his life was saved by the great Law of the universe.

After this tribulation, I felt the immeasurable honor and happiness of being a Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period. On the road of cultivation, I’m like a child who has just learned to walk. I stumbled, fell, and got up, every step of mine relying on Master’s hard work. My tears of gratitude kept flowing!