(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in July 1996, and I’m 56 years old. I was very competitive before I began practicing and others said I was a “fierce woman.” I quarreled with my coworkers and fought with my husband. If I couldn’t win, I called my relatives and friends and had them intervene.

I had multiple abortions, which later led to infertility. Despite seeking medical treatment, it was in vain. My husband was addicted to alcohol, and we were on the brink of divorce. My in-laws urged their son to divorce me. It was at that moment, in 1996, when I began practicing Falun Dafa. Since then, my life completely changed.

Through learning Dafa and cultivating my xinxing, I have come to understand the requirement of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance for self-improvement and learned how to be a good person. I returned the items I took home from the factory, and I stopped over-billing expenses during business trips. I started coming to work early and leaving late, diligently doing my job, and was often recognized as an outstanding worker, earning substantial bonuses. My temper improved significantly, and I learned to care for others, respect others, and I got along well with my colleagues. Once when working overtime at night, I bought a few hundred bread rolls for my coworkers. If I found a lost wallet, I would immediately post a notice on the blackboard for the owner to claim it. I showed care and assistance to beggars, coal carriers, and the elderly I encountered on the street. I took good care of my in-laws and showed concern for my husband.

A few months after cultivating Dafa, I became pregnant with a son, and a few years later I had a daughter. My husband no longer drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and my in-laws smiled more often. My whole family embarked on the path of cultivation. Dafa transformed a family on the verge of breaking apart into one that is harmonious and warm. Everyone who knows me would say that I am completely different from before I began practicing cultivation.

Everyone in the Cell Started Practicing Falun Dafa Exercises

In the distorted society of China, evildoers go unchecked, while Dafa cultivators who strive to be good people face the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

I was illegally arrested for practicing Falun Dafa, detained in a detention center, forced to perform slave labor and subjected to daily roll calls like a criminal. I refused to cooperate and rejected all unreasonable demands. The officers encouraged inmates to beat and curse at me, and at night, they wouldn’t allow me to sleep on the bed, but forced me to sleep on the damp ground near the toilet, where there were crawling rodents, centipedes, and other creatures.

Despite the abuse I remained steadfast in my faith and maintained righteous thoughts, and I didn’t stop clarifying the truth to the inmates. Besides sending righteous thoughts every day, I would often shout: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” “Withdraw from the CCP and its organizations for a safe future!” My loud voice pierced through the thick walls, and after I shouted, I could hear more voices outside echoing: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

I went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution and was subjected to brutal force-feeding. My body was injured in multiple places during the force-feeding, and I was sent to a hospital near the detention center where I was injected with drugs and had a feeding tube forcibly inserted.

I went without food or drink for nine days, yet my spirit remained strong. The inmates witnessed Dafa’s power, and more than twenty of them saw through the CCP’s evil nature, choosing to do the three withdrawals (quitting the CCP and its youth organizations).

Before World Falun Dafa Day that year on May 13th, the inmate cell head brought a cloth bag with the words “Wishing Master a Happy Birthday. Master, you’ve worked hard” written on it and asked me to embroider these blessings. During the Chinese New Year holiday, she wrote “Wishing Master a Happy New Year” on the back of the bag and asked me to embroider it as well. She respected Master.

Another incident occurred before the Chinese New Year holiday. The cell organized a New Year’s party. The cell head said: “You will teach us to practice Falun Dafa.” I led more than twenty inmates in the cell to practice the exercises. After practicing, we sang Dafa songs together, which attracted the attention of the prison officers who watched us through the surveillance cameras. They came and said: “You can sing, go ahead, sing.”

Later, dozens of people signed a petition demanding the immediate and unconditional release of illegally detained Falun Dafa practitioners.

The Udumbara Flower Blooms

According to Buddhist scriptures, Buddha Shakyamuni once spoke of the Udumbara flower, a celestial flower that blooms once every three thousand years, emitting auspicious energy. Its blooming signifies that the Law Wheel Turning King will come to the human world to spread the Dharma and save sentient beings. Udumbara flowers have recently been blooming around the world. They bloomed twice in our home, appearing on the balcony, on the leaves and branches outside, and on the walls.

A man in his seventies who previously didn’t believe in the miracles and beauty of Dafa despite my multiple attempts to clarify the truth to him, had his doubts. When I told him that Udumbara flowers appeared in our home for the first time, he exclaimed, “How could flowers bloom on steel bars?” He didn’t believe me, so I invited him to see for himself. After seeing it, he wholeheartedly believed in the miraculous nature of Dafa. This phenomenon cannot be explained by scientific principles. He’s respected Falun Dafa since then. During one instance of persecution, he quietly helped me hide Dafa books, preventing the police from finding them. He performed an immeasurable act of virtue for his life and future.

Several people were appointed by the community to monitor practitioners. I took photos of the Udumbara flowers and showed them to these people. Those who believed immediately did the three withdrawals and requested copies of the photos. For those who still didn’t believe, I invited them to my home to see the miraculous flower with their own eyes, and I clarified the truth to them. They eventually chose to withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations.

I sincerely hope that people understand the significance of the appearance of the Udumbara flower once every three thousand years in the human world. It signifies that Falun Dafa is spreading across the world to save people. People must seize the opportunity to learn the truth, respect Master, treat practitioners kindly, remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations. Only then can they ensure safety when calamity strikes.

I am deeply grateful to compassionate Master for saving us, and I thank Dafa for giving us a harmonious and warm home! Master, you’ve worked hard! I will diligently cultivate to the end and not disappoint Master.