(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1999 and many of my health problems soon disappeared. Shortly after the persecution started, I couldn’t understand why such a good practice would be persecuted and smeared.

Although I didn’t have a profound understanding of spiritual cultivation or the deeper reasons behind the persecution, I nonetheless felt it was right for me to step forward and tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. I wanted others to know that I had benefitted from practicing Dafa, and that it’s nothing like what the communist regime had said on TV. As a result, I was fired from the decent job I had at a state enterprise which left my wife and other family members living in fear.

My wife is a kind person who has provided a lot for our little family, and won the respect of those around us. She was very supportive in the early days when I started practicing Dafa. But fearing the persecution and worrying that I could be tortured, she was strongly opposed to me continuing the practice. She threatened to divorce me if I didn’t give up Dafa. She also went out of her way to stop me from clarifying the facts to others.

I knew that my wife was just afraid, and was trying to protect me and our family. But exactly because of that, I needed to let her know the facts. With my persistent efforts, her attitude towards Dafa slowly changed. However, one specific thing happened in late 2022 that completely changed her view.

When the communist regime suddenly lifted the strict pandemic lockdown, almost everyone around us got the virus, including my wife and son. My son recited the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” and recovered in just a day. But as for my wife, she felt extremely bad and couldn’t sleep for many days.

Suddenly one morning, she got up and shouted, “There are divine beings! They saved me! I’m fine now!” I was dumbfounded and didn’t know what she was talking about. I asked her to calm down and tell us what happened.

My wife said that the night before when she struggled to fall asleep, she clearly saw a divine being standing by her side. He looked so kind and benevolent. He gently pushed her and asked her to sleep. She immediately felt very comfortable and soon fell asleep. When she woke up the next morning, all of her symptoms were gone! That’s why she was so excited!

I took out my copy of Zhuan Falun and turned to the page with a photo of Master Li Hongzhi. I asked, “Is this the person you saw?” She confirmed that this was the divine being she had seen. Since that time, may wife has never again tried to stop me from practicing Falun Dafa. I’m very grateful to Master Li for taking care of both my family and me.