(Minghui.org) By studying the Falun Dafa teachings, I have gained further understandings on how to end the suppression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It took me over four years to organize my thoughts so that I could share them.

Since the persecution began, we practitioners have tried many different ways to end it. Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) said:

“We should think things over calmly, and sometimes we really can end up seeing things clearly. It’s not that the righteous elements have stopped working. It’s that sometimes it’s easy for the old forces to take advantage of the gaps in what we do. For example, when we do things a lot of us use human thinking to come up with ideas, and you’ve been trying everything you can to end this persecution and you want to have ordinary people end it.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Midwest U.S. Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume III)

Here Master told us that we have been using human thinking and counting on ordinary people to end the persecution. So how can we view this with a cultivator’s mindset?

Master said:

“This persecution is something forced upon us by the old forces, and it’s not something that the Fa-rectification needed.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume VII)

“So when your righteous thoughts are very strong they can’t take advantage of you, and this is because in Fa-rectification Dafa doesn’t acknowledge the old forces’ arrangements, and I, as your Master, don’t acknowledge them either.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2002 Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume II)

“As I just indicated, I don’t accept the persecution, for I have my own designs. However, since the persecution has taken place, I have been beating them at their own game by saving sentient beings and helping our Dafa disciples to achieve consummation during this period of time. As I just said, with something this big, there would have been some other force at work if it weren’t the old forces. Something like that would have surely unfolded. So, looking at things from a different angle, haven’t they also provided you with an opportunity to cultivate, and provided sentient beings with a chance to choose salvation?” (“Fa Teaching at the 2015 West Coast Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII)

As Master has explained to us, this is an opportunity for us to cultivate and for us to help save people.

Master said:

“Then, although this environment is very evil—think about it, everyone—isn’t it precious and hard to come by? It is truly precious and hard to come by. After this period there won’t be any opportunities like this. You are able to come upon this kind of opportunity only because you are Dafa disciples. Nothing like this happened in ordinary cultivation or individual cultivation in the past.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference,” Guiding the Voyage)

Master has said very clearly that this is related to our cultivation. When we do well and people are saved, the persecution will have no reason to continue, and it will end. Other than that, we would be viewing this with human thinking.

Therefore, let us focus on our cultivation—on how we can do better and how we can help save people. When we meet the requirements and when people are saved, the persecution will end.

Editor's note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)