(Minghui.org) My child and I went to my mother’s house on July 23, 2006. She just returned from visiting relatives in another city. She took out a carefully wrapped amulet, on which was printed two phrases: “Falun Dafa Is Good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is Good.” At that time, I didn’t know what Falun Dafa was about, but I thought the amulet was beautiful. Just looking at the amulet made me feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

My mother said that the amulet protects the person who believes in Falun Dafa. She explained that many people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, such as the Young Pioneers and the Youth League. I didn’t hesitate and said that I was willing to quit the Young Pioneers. I then asked my child, “Will you quit (the Young Pioneers)?” He said, “Yes.” So my mother called our relative who helped us withdraw from the organization on a public website.

I was weak and known to be sickly since I was a child. I often felt dizzy. For example, if I took a long bath, my eyes blurred and I couldn’t see anything. I also had back pain and suffered from motion sickness. My mother said that I turned pale and couldn’t drink any milk after I rode in a car when I was a child. It would take two days for me to fully recover. After I grew up, I still suffered from motion sickness. I always felt sick and vomited as soon as I got off the bus, and I could only lie in bed after I got home. I felt dizzy and uncomfortable the following day, too.

The amazing thing was that after I saw the words, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” my head felt no longer dizzy.

I never heard anything about Dafa before that day, including the CCP’s propaganda against it. I decided to practice and I asked my mother to find a Zhuan Falun for me. I finally obtained Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa the following year.

After I began studying the Fa and doing the exercises, my body underwent significant changes. I no longer suffered from motion sickness or felt dizzy. Master purified my body, changed me, and saved me. Thank you, revered Master, for giving me a new life!

I only understood the Fa intuitively at the beginning. I knew that the Fa is good. In 2009, I began to study Master’s different lectures given in various places and I understood that I had to get rid of my fundamental attachment to “curing illnesses and keeping fit.” This is not a personal cultivation practice. Falun Dafa practitioners were given mission, which is to follow Master to rectify the Fa and save all sentient beings. Practitioners need to do the three things, fulfill their vow, and return to their heavenly home with Master.

So I started to clarify the truth about Dafa to people on the street. At first, I distributed fliers with fellow practitioners, sometimes during the day and sometimes at night. Later, I clarified the truth on the street face to face.

Once I talked to a man in his 50s. As soon as I mentioned quitting the CCP, he got angry and shouted, “If you say that again, I’ll report you to the police!” I wasn’t scared. I said to him calmly, “Don’t be angry.” The man continued to yell at me. At this time, two women came over, and he turned to talk to them. I turned around and left. I knew Master saved me from danger.

I went with a fellow practitioner to clarify the truth in a park on May 13, 2022. I saw an older woman walking a small dog. I approached her and quickly explained the importance of withdrawing from the CCP and the facts about Falun Dafa. She was very receptive and said when we parted, “Let’s meet again next time we come to the park.”

I and the fellow practitioner walked toward the Peacock Garden. We heard the sound of many peacocks calling. Soon we saw many peacocks, big and small, spread their tails. It was a magnificent scene! We were very excited, and even the passers-by said that they had never seen so many peacocks spread their tails at the same time like this. Every being has a knowing side!

I filed a criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin, the former leader of the CCP who ordered the persecution of Falun Dafa, and submitted it to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate using my real name in 2015.

I realized that I’m still not doing well when it comes to personal cultivation as I sometimes forget that I’m a practitioner and do not maintain my xinxing.

I will cherish the remaining precious time, live up to Master’s expectations, study the Fa well, cultivate myself well, save more people, fulfill my mission, fulfill my vows, and go home with Master!

Thank you Master!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)