(Minghui.org) Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I was a cancer patient who underwent six chemotherapies and 25 radiation therapies (radiotherapy). During a chemotherapy treatment, my weight could drop eight or nine pounds in one day, and I vomited blood. My beautiful hair fell out days after I started the treatments.

Radiotherapy was not pleasant either. The skin in the area that was radiated ulcerated for about a month, and I was unable to eat or sleep because of the pain. Radiation pneumonia, an inflammation of lung tissue as a result of radiation exposure, forced me to go to the hospital for more treatment. I received Western medicines for three years followed by Chinese medicines for five years. It was painful, and my heart was filled with sadness. One day, I said to the divine in my heart, “I would do anything (of course, nothing bad) in exchange for one day of not being sick.”

I went to various parks while I waited to die. I also visited temples and learned qigong systems, but they did not help. Song, a person I met during chemotherapy, talked about Falun Dafa. Because of hate propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I knew very little about Falun Dafa. She showed me a video cassette of Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) demonstrating the exercises. “This is a Buddha,” I shouted when I saw the video. I felt very happy.

Because I was interested in learning the practice, Song asked her relative to travel hundreds of miles to bring me a copy of Zhuan Falunand software that circumvents the Chinese regime’s Internet blockade. But when I tried the software the next day, it did not work. Song did not know how to use it either. I felt it was pitiful that Song later stopped practicing. I felt sorry for her.

Once, a friend showed me a pamphlet with information about how to access Falun Dafa information via the Internet. I asked the person if I could keep it, and they said yes. After arriving home, I started to read it but I had no understanding of terms such as copying, pasting, saving, overseas email box, and receiving a URL. I lacked basic computer knowledge and did not even know where to find downloaded files. I did not dare to ask others, either.

I started to try things out on my own. When I was unable to sleep, I thought about the things I did during the day and if there were other ways to do them. After working on it for many days, I felt very excited when I finally accessed the Minghui website.

From there, I also obtained software that enabled me to access the Internet and of course, Minghui. I made many copies of the app so that I would always have it. I later realized that Master Li helped me gain access to Minghui.

Gradually, I downloaded Master Li’s articles, the exercise music, and articles from Minghui. I was also able to upload the names of people who quit the CCP organizations. When I had time, I went out and told people the facts about Dafa and the persecution; during major Chinese holidays, I submitted greetings to Minghui. My husband often gave me a hard time, “What are you doing? You wasted so much time.” He thought I was playing on the Internet.

Now and then, the computer would freeze or completely die. When I took it in for repair, my husband often gave me a hard time and complained, “Why do you always make trouble? Do you think you are smart because you play with the computer?” Sometimes, he even unplugged the computer, which meant my unsaved work was done in vain. Later, I realized that these tribulations were part of my cultivation and meant to help me improve.

Thinking back on the last 10-plus years, I know I have walked a long way in becoming a Falun Dafa practitioner. Without help from Master, I would not have accomplished much and, in fact, I would have died years ago. We all have challenges when we start practicing Dafa, but we may not recognize them for what they are.

I hope to do better in the final stage of cultivation practice. Master has helped us so much, and we have walked the cultivation path well. I want to sincerely thank Master for everything he has done and continues to do for his students.

This is my understanding. Please point out anything inconsistent with the Falun Dafa teachings.