(Minghui.org) After Chinese New Year in 1998, I heard that a nearby village was playing videos of Master Li Hongzhi giving Falun Gong classes. A Falun Gong practitioner in our village and I went together. When Master talked about the transformation of karma in the videos, it untied a knot in my heart, and I better understood the karmic relationships among people.

I learned the Falun Gong exercises and watched the nine day lecture videos. In a few days, all my ailments were gone. I felt energetic and healthy.

My family also benefited from my practice. One summer day, my husband and I were busy covering up things in the courtyard before a storm. Unfortunately, a dog bit our three-year-old son when he was out and about. In the wind and rain, my husband took our son and I to a clinic on a motorcycle to get the rabies vaccine. Unfortunately, a donkey rammed into the front of our motorcycle just before we reached the clinic. I fell with my son in my arms but it felt like I landed in a pile of cotton. I stood up unhurt. My husband found that the motorcycle was undamaged. I immediately understood that Master was protecting my family and I.

When my son was eight years old, he once returned home from school and told me that his eyes hurt. I told him to recite the two auspicious phrases with me, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” We repeated the phrases again and again. My son fell asleep, and when he woke up, his eyes were fine.

We’re a family of farmers. The neighbors in the village inevitably have conflicts in the fields. The harvest was poor three years ago, but our corn grew very well. The family working the adjacent farmland harvested three rows of corn from ours. I talked to the man of that family about it, but he said that we had infringed on his farmland.

I didn’t think we were in the wrong and felt that he had really taken a lot of corn from our land. I remembered that Master taught us that any conflict a practitioner has is meant to improve one’s xinxing, so I didn’t quarrel with him.

The lands were measured and the borders re-drawn the following year.

Last year, the same neighboring family took a roll of plastic mulching film from our land during the autumn harvest. I told a man from that family that he was in the wrong again and that that roll of plastic film was ours. The man was unreasonable and swore at me. I was angry but I remembered Master’s teachings and knew that it was an opportunity to transform karma into virtue, so I let it go.

My life is peaceful and happy because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)