(Minghui.org) I’m from the countryside. After I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, all my illnesses disappeared. Whether its household chores or farm work, I’m able to do everything. I’m also able to learn a new job quickly. We have a mule and although it walks very fast I’m able to keep up with it when I plow the fields.
I was very sickly before I began practicing Falun Dafa, and I always caught the flu. I had asthma, had difficulty breathing, and I wasn’t able to speak loudly. Everyone knew I was sickly. My back was hunched, my neck was shrunken and I looked out of shape. I also had a lot of family conflicts and my life was miserable.
Trials With My Husband
My husband gambled and had affairs with other women. He worked in the city but never brought any money home. He cursed at me in front of whatever woman he currently had an affair with. No matter what I did, he was never satisfied. He yelled at me when other people reprimanded me. He also gambled and accrued a lot of debt, and the debt collectors came to our house demanding money.
Whenever he was drunk my husband yelled at me and hit me, and yelled at our children. He usually got drunk when we attended events like weddings, and argued with people. He was rushed to the hospital several times because he drank too much and almost died. My husband also tripped and fell when he was drunk. When he fell from his motorbike his face was injured and he was unable to move his shoulders. He was afraid to move his jaws and could only drink milk.
My husband went to play poker the second day of Chinese New Year. I heard him screaming and yelling and I hurried over to see if he had gotten into a fight. It turned out that he was calling some other woman. He cursed at me as soon as he saw me. I asked him to come home before he gambled away all his money. A neighbor followed us back since he was afraid my husband would beat me. As soon as we got home, my husband grabbed a knife and threw it at me. The knife made a hole in the wall, bounced back and made a long mark on the door.
I reminded myself that I was a practitioner and I shouldn’t fight back. I hid the knife, and went to my neighbor’s house. Those who witnessed my husband throwing the knife at me were worried that something bad might happen, so they called my brother. They also saw that I wasn’t upset. If I didn’t practice Falun Dafa, I would have argued bitterly with my husband and might have divorced him.
Another time my husband cursed me when he was drunk, and he grabbed a kitchen knife. My ten year old son was so terrified that he picked up his two year old brother and hid at my neighbor’s house.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to burn every thing in the house and end my life. As soon as I had that thought I also realized that I would be ruining Dafa’s reputation. How can I do this to benevolent and compassionate Master who saved me! When righteous thoughts took over, I was able to let go of my resentment towards my husband. I dreamed I was in a imperial palace with Master. I saw that in my various lifetimes, I was once an imperial guard, a general and a Manchu princess. I was also a peasant in several lifetimes and in each lifetime my husbands treated me badly. I understood that perhaps this happened to help me eliminate karma.
Master Saves My Husband
Master not only saved me, but also saved my husband. One day while he was very drunk, my husband wept and said, “I want to practice Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa is good!” He passed out three times. When my husband woke up, he had tears in his eyes and said, I won’t interfere in your cultivation anymore. I was in hell and you saved me.” I asked him, “What happened?” He didn’t answer.
The follow morning my husband said, “Master is amazing.” I asked, “How do you know?” He said, “I saw Master last night.” I didn’t believe him so I asked, “What was Master wearing?” He said, “A yellow robe. He was floating in the air and meditating.” I asked, “What did he say?” He said, “Master didn’t say anything, he just smiled at me.”
I realized Master saved my husband from hell, but gave me the credit, so my husband thought I saved him and brought him out of hell. The grievances I once had against him were settled. I also enlightened that all the suffering I endured was because I need to eliminate karma and repay a karmic debt I owed. Thank you benevolent Master!
My eyes fill with tears as I write this. Not only is Master protecting me, Master is also protecting sentient beings and helped my husband understand the truth. My husband changed and became a completely different person after seeing Master’s compassion. He stopped abusing me and no longer asked where I went.
My health improved dramatically after I began practicing Falun Dafa and this validated the beauty of Dafa. My husband and two sons listened to Master’s audio lectures and were supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa.
My husband rode his bicycle and took me to validate Falun Dafa after the persecution began in July 1999. He also received blessings from Dafa. I’m happy to say that he no longer gambles. Both of my sons have stable jobs, are married and have children. These are all blessings we received from Master. Our entire family is grateful to Master. Thank you Master for saving us!
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