(Minghui.org) I live in a remote rural area in Liaoning Province, and I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than twenty years. My personal experiences show that Master’s teachings are true and real, and changed my heart.
Eliminating My Resentment Toward My In-Laws
When I was 23, the government began re-allocating and contracting land. My in-laws wanted to secure more land so they urged me and my husband to get married as quickly as possible. They promised they would build us a house on the new land after we married.
My in-laws have five children – three sons and two daughters, and my husband is the oldest. My father-in-law worked, but often got drunk and came home sullen and moody. My mother-in-law was lazy, unwilling to do housework, and her temper was unpredictable. She scolded others over the smallest things. Everyone in their family, including my husband, was very selfish. After we married, I had difficulty adapting to this family. However, I felt grateful when I reminded myself that my in-laws would build us a house. So, I worked tirelessly without complaint every day, doing as much as I could. Even though I ended up with nothing after I worked hard all year, I persisted.
A few years passed, and I had two sons, but our house still hadn’t been built. When my mother-in-law told me, “I bought the house from Meng’s family.” I said, “Mom, I heard that house isn’t good, which is why no one wanted to buy it. You knew that, so why did you buy it?” She quickly responded, “I’m not asking you to live there; we’ll live there.”
Her attitude soon changed, and she started making trouble for me. She claimed that something was lost, and the next day she said something else was missing—she also constantly said things such as, “A family thief is hardest to guard against.” No matter how unreasonable she was, I never argued with her, but I lived in constant anxiety and distress.
I understood that she was trying to force us to move into the old house. Left with no choice, we had to leave my in-laws’ home and move into the old house. Looking around at the four walls that the wind blew through and the leaking ceiling, I felt overwhelmed by sorrow and rage. I realized that they lied to me from the beginning—they never intended to build us a house. I resented and hated them for bullying us and for driving us out.
I reached my breaking point. From then on, I felt my in-laws were enemies. I looked down on them, felt they were unworthy of being parents, undeserving of my respect, and I cut all ties with them. I was filled with resentment every day, to the point where I had difficulty eating or sleeping. By the time I was in my thirties, I was plagued with illnesses, including heart disease, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, joint inflammation, gastritis, and chronic neural headaches. I was in pain, and I was tormented by hatred.
I Begin Practicing Falun Dafa
An elderly neighbor began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and encouraged me to try it. At first, I didn’t take it to heart. Since childhood, I was influenced by the atheist ideology of the Communist Party, so I didn’t believe in gods, Buddhas, or cultivation. However, my husband was very eager to learn and persuaded me to join him. Just like that, I started practicing Falun Dafa.
The first time I read Zhuan Falun, I couldn’t understand anything or remember a single sentence. I was puzzled because I usually enjoyed reading, but somehow, I couldn’t comprehend this book. I thought to myself: This book must be extraordinary, and I have to read it.
I dedicated all my free time to reading Zhuan Falun. At that time, my thought karma was severe. Whenever I read it, my mind was overwhelmed with chaotic thoughts, making it impossible for me to focus, but I did not give up. Seeing my desire to learn, Master helped me. One afternoon, I was doing the meditation exercise. As soon as I sat down, I felt incredibly comfortable, as if I were sitting on a warm and soft cotton cushion. It felt like my head started spinning, and it kept getting bigger, until it felt as large as the entire room. At the same time, my mind became clear and refreshed. When I opened my eyes, everything looked normal, but when I closed them, I felt my head expanding. At that moment, I was convinced that Master was no ordinary person, and he was removing the bad things from my mind. From that day on, my chronic headaches, which plagued me for years, completely disappeared.
This experience had a profound impact on me. My persistent headaches were suddenly gone – it was miraculous! I never believed in gods, but what happened to me was undeniable and something only a divine power could achieve. From that moment, atheism completely collapsed in my mind. Gradually, as my xinxing improved and I let go of attachments, all my illnesses disappeared. I was determined to cultivate Dafa genuinely, and let everyone know that Falun Dafa is good!
I devoted all my free time to studying the Fa, and I overcame drowsiness, laziness, and leg pain while sitting in the full lotus position. There were stories from the past of how Chinese people endured hardship to acquire knowledge, some even pricked their thighs with needles to stay awake. I was learning the universe’s Dafa; how could I fear hardship?
One afternoon after lunch, I sat before Master’s photo, crossed my legs in the full lotus position, held the book in my hands, and began reading. After a while, my legs hurt so much that I leaned against the wall to rest. Somehow, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I felt deeply ashamed. How could I sleep while studying the Fa? Like a guilty schoolchild, I sneaked a glance at Master’s photo, only to find that Master was smiling at me! I couldn’t believe what I saw. I opened my eyes wide, rubbed them, and looked again – yes, Master was truly smiling at me! Tears streamed down my face, and I repeatedly thanked Master. I thought to myself, even though I dozed off, Master was not angry and even smiled at me. I truly felt Master’s compassion. My determination to practice Falun Dafa strengthened, and I became a true cultivator.
Resolving Resentment
My in-laws built a new house for my younger brother-in-law on the land that they originally promised us. After he got married, he didn’t want to live with my in-laws, so this led to conflicts. My father-in-law threatened to tear down the house, while my brother-in-law’s wife wanted a divorce. Things quickly escalated into chaos.
I followed the principles of Dafa, let go of past grudges, and let go of my resentment toward my in-laws. After all, they had a hard life, as they had to shoulder heavy financial burdens while raising five children. With a calm heart, I mediated the situation. I persuaded my father-in-law to be more tolerant and forgive the young couple’s youthful impulsiveness. I also went to the parents of my brother-in-law’s wife to bring her back, and I encouraged her to live peacefully with the family.
When my in-laws had nowhere to stay, I invited them to live in my home. When they wanted to build a new house, I helped them make arrangements. When my mother-in-law was hospitalized, my husband and I took care of her without complaint, no matter how unpleasant the situation was. My in-laws were deeply moved and felt remorseful for how they had previously treated us.
It was Falun Dafa that changed me. Dafa dissolved the resentment between my in-laws and me, allowing us to live in harmony. I’m deeply grateful to Master!
Who’s Trees
My neighbor sold their house, including the poplar trees outside their yard. Their yard was next to a road. My yard was on the other side of the road and there were two poplar trees in it. Without informing me, my neighbor included my two trees in the sale.
The person who bought the house decided to cut down the trees. When the neighbor told me, I asked, “Why did you sell my trees?” She replied, “Their roots came from the trees on my side, so they belong to me.” I found her reasoning absurd and started to argue with her. But I suddenly remembered that I’m a cultivator, and nothing happens by chance. Wasn’t this a test to help me improve my xinxing? Since she had already sold the trees, if I didn’t let her take them, she wouldn’t be able to explain it to the buyer. Master teaches us to always consider others in everything we do.
I said, “You can have them. But you should know it’s because I practice Falun Dafa. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have agreed to this.” She quickly responded, “Thank you, Falun Dafa! Thank you, Falun Dafa’s Master!”
“How Can You Be Such a Good Person?”
A neighboring village needed access to running water and wanted to dig a large well in our village. They negotiated with several families but couldn’t reach an agreement. Eventually, they asked me, “We’ll pay whatever you ask, as long as you allow us to dig the well.”
I thought to myself: I am a cultivator; I should consider others and not be selfish. Digging this well will benefit many people, so why would I ask for money? I told them, “You don’t need to pay me. You can dig the well, just make sure to level the ground afterward.” They were very happy and thanked me repeatedly.
One day at the market, a middle-aged woman approached me and said, “How can you be such a good person?” Everyone knew that I practiced Falun Dafa.
It was Master’s teachings that transformed me, reshaped my character, gave me a new life, and taught me how to be a truly good person. Thank you Master!
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