(Minghui.org) The Chinese communist regime has carried out a systematic persecution of Falun Dafa for more than 25 years. Practitioners persistently exposed this ruthless behavior to the public through distributing informational materials, word of mouth and by posting banners and stickers in public areas. An increasing number of Chinese people are learning the truth about Falun Dafa, and I’d like to share a few stories practitioners in China experienced.

Woman Discovers Something Precious

One day, as I hung up posters that had informational stickers about Falun Dafa, I noticed a person in the distance pacing around a poster that I had just put up. As I walked in that direction, I saw an elderly woman on a tricycle carefully peeling off one of the stickers. Just as I was about to stop her, she neatly attached it to her tricycle.

She saw me and joyfully said, “I just discovered something precious and put it on my tricycle.” Then she pointed to the words on the sticker and read them out loud, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She happily peddled away.

Family Member Withdraws From the CCP

Several years ago, my daughter had a dream in which her deceased brother-in-law came to her home and said, “Sister-in-law, save me! Help me withdraw from the Young Pioneers. I’ve wanted to do it for a while and finally found the opportunity to seek you out today.” He vanished as soon as he said this.

My daughter fulfilled his request and used his real name to declare his withdrawal on the Internet. A few days later, my son-in-law dreamed that his brother was having dumplings while people around him had nothing to eat. He sensed that his brother was now blessed, wherever he was.

At the end of 2007, another practitioner, who is a co-worker, dreamed one night that a deceased director from work asked her to help him withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with a pseudonym. She told me the next day, and I quickly posted his withdrawal on the Internet.

Protected and Blessed by the Power of Dafa

I met a man walking along the street on crutches, and I asked what happened to him. He told me that he was in a car accident and was rendered unconscious after the impact. While unconscious, he saw himself at the gates of hell; then he regained consciousness.

I exclaimed that he was so lucky and asked if a Falun Dafa practitioner clarified the truth to him before. He told me yes and that he also quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. It then dawned on him that he had been protected and blessed by the power of Dafa! He happily accepted Dafa materials from me and said that he would like to receive more information in the future.