(Minghui.org) I was illegally arrested several times in the past 20 years because I was careless, arrogant, refused to listen to others, and did not truly cultivate and eliminate my human thoughts.

I later realized one reason I was arrested in 2014 was that I suggested others send forth righteous thoughts the way I did and not follow Minghui’s guidance. I ignored the other practitioners’ reminders, and thought my way was fine since it was effective in helping practitioners when they had illness karma. I ignored what Master said, and I didn’t realize that I was seriously damaging Dafa.

Second, I did not deal my relationship with a male practitioner properly. I rented a house and we lived under the same roof. I thought that it was fine as long as we only conducted business.

After I was kidnapped by the police I remembered Master’s Fa. I thought: After being together for a while people develop feelings for each other without realizing it. Even if it isn’t love, it’s affection. By looking inward, I corrected myself.

I sent forth righteous thoughts in accordance with Minghui’s guidance, and strictly followed traditional moral standards to interact with the opposite sex. During my illegal detention, I worked hard to do the three things well. My health quickly improved and my suffering in prison was minimized.

After twenty years of cultivation I am grateful to Master for his compassionate enlightenment along the way, to let me truly understand how to cultivate myself well. I’d like to share some of my insights with you.

Look Inward and Cultivate Every Thought

Now, no matter the circumstances, I use the Fa to measure whether my thoughts are of Buddha nature or demonic. I keep them if they are of Buddha nature, and get rid of them if they are demonic. By cultivating myself this way I underwent tremendous changes.

Faith in Master and the Fa

I suffered from severe tooth loss in the past six months, and almost all the teeth on the left side are gone. This caused the left corner of my cheek and mouth to droop, and I had to get a dental implant. When I went to the dentist yesterday he filled the gaps with some bone powder. It was very painful and swollen after the operation.

The doctor repeatedly told me that I need to take anti-inflammatory injections for three days, followed by anti-inflammatory drugs for another three days. I felt I should follow his advice, but when I rode the bus home, I realized I didn’t have enough faith in Master and the Fa. I silently made up my mind to validate the Fa through this issue and have 100% faith in Master and the Fa.

As soon as I got home I meditated for two hours. During this time, the interference from my thought karma was very severe. All kinds of images appeared, interfering with my ability to calm down. I knew the negative elements wanted to destroy my faith in Master and the Fa.

After I finished meditating, I looked inward and thought about my problem. What thought was preventing me from eliminating it? My teeth ached and my gums bled since I was a child. I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for twenty years, but my tooth problem persisted. I knew I had some human attachment that gave the old forces a loophole to persecute me.

I remembered the miraculous effect of reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” as described in the truth clarification video “Resonance.” I often told this story to people I clarified the truth to. So why didn’t I apply it to myself—instead I used an ordinary person’s method?

I remembered a passage from a Minghui editorial article “Flattery and demonic interference from one’s own mind: We all talk about how we “clarify the facts” and save people, but we shouldn’t forget that our true moral realms are under the spotlight on the big stage of the human world. That is an important part of the truth we are trying to deliver. Our own actions validate whether we are studying the Fa and obtaining the Fa and whether we are true cultivators. We as Dafa disciples should all strive to be true cultivators.”

I want to be a true cultivator! With this righteous thought, I was able to calm down and meditate the next morning. My whole body ached and I had no appetite before I did the first four exercises in the afternoon. After I did them, I felt light, refreshed, and I wanted to eat. My gums didn’t hurt anymore and the swelling subsided a lot.

When we have 100% faith in Master and the Fa, we experience miracles. In a nutshell, it all comes down to faith. Not only do we have to realize it in our thoughts, but we have to put it into practice in our actions. Only then can it be 100% faith!

Tolerance and Humility

I saw a male practitioner behaving inappropriately when I was at the dentist. I didn’t say anything at the time. After I returned home, I sent forth righteous thoughts regarding this matter, disintegrating all the evil factors that caused him to behave this way. I don’t think he realized he was interfered with.

This incident reminded me to be humble and tolerant. Because I know that he has many good qualities I should be humble and learn from him. I see clearly that the real source of this behavior is not him, but the interfering factors, so I forgave him and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the bad elements.

This incident made me understand another level of sending forth righteous thoughts: that is, we must not only send forth righteous thoughts well, but also use righteous thoughts to look at problems at all times.