(Minghui.org) Shen Yun Performing Arts continued to perform in Spain, France, and the United States, while kicking off Canada and Taiwan tours during the week of March 18–23, 2025.

Shen Yun New York Company at the State Theatre New Jersey in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on the evening of March 23, after presenting three performances to full houses (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun International Company at a packed house at the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 23, after presenting five performances March 19–23 (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun North America Company at a sold-out house at the Terrace Theater in Long Beach, California, on the afternoon of March 23 (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun Touring Company at a packed house at Le Corum in Montpellier, France, on the evening of March 23, kicking off Shen Yun’s second round of performances in Montpellier this season (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun World Company at a full house at the Cartuja Center Cite in Sevilla, Spain, on March 18 (The Epoch Times)

Shen Yun New Era Company at a full house at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, Canada, on March 23 (The Epoch Times)

“Everything About It Was Top-rate”

Ingrid Clarfield (The Epoch Times)

Ingrid Clarfield, a pianist, piano professor, and author, saw Shen Yun in New Brunswick on March 23.

“Everything about it was top-rate. Artistic, professional, and inspiring,” Ms. Clarfield said after the performance.

“The orchestra is truly phenomenal and I love the blending of our traditional orchestra with the pipa and the other Chinese instruments, but the composition was unbelievable.

“All phenomenal musicians, every section was first rate,” she said.

Music and dance go hand in hand. Ms. Clarfield could see how even Shen Yun’s dancers were highlighting the music.

“It’s very emotional because you feel the music and you get to feel it and see it. So it’s both together. You see the music expressed beautifully by the dancers,” she said.

“Just Very Exciting”

George and Brandis Riba (NTD Television)

George and Brandis Riba saw Shen Yun in New Brunswick on March 23.

“The colors were beautiful, and the synchronization was excellent. Just very exciting,” said Mr. Riba, an accountant who is from Cuba.

He thought that people feel more hope and inspired after watching Shen Yun. “I’ll tell you, I’ll be honest, [Shen Yun] brought tears to my eyes a couple of times. I’m a little sensitive; I’m emotional talking about it. But that scene where the communists came in—it just like made me cry. Very emotional,” he said.

Mrs. Riba, a choreographer for ballroom dancers, described how the communists treated her husband’s family. “When he was 7— he always tells us the story of his mother and his aunts and the [soldiers] take away their possessions.”

“The story is interesting,” Mr. Riba said of the piece depicting oppression in modern-day China. “It was just fun to watch and to see the storyline from start to finish.”

Mrs. Riba said that her husband “is from Cuba and they had to flee Cuba too because of communists. So it means a lot to us.”

“I love to watch all the choreography and the staging. I love the sleeves. I love the color, I love the great use of the dress like the flamenco dancers do, but in its own way. I just love everything. It’s just beautiful,” said Mrs. Riba.

“We love the backdrop. I really enjoy the grace of the [dance] mixed together with the ability to do gymnastics. It’s wonderful. It’s hard to see grace and strength done that well. It really is beautiful.

“You know that dance is a physical expression of music,” Mrs. Riba said. “As a choreographer I can tell you that I love it when the motions of the dancers look like how the music sounds. You don’t always get that. The [dancers] really are nailing it.

“I love the spiritual aspect. In Cuba they had beautiful dancing, too. We do it more in the United States now because Cuba is totally poor now. I don’t know about what’s going on in China,” Mrs. Riba said.

“But if they were doing this in China right now, more people would visit China. It is beautiful to see the heavenly aspects. Everything good in this world comes from that; everything bad in this world comes from not believing in that,” she said.

“Truly, Truly Impressive”

Cristina Candullo and Tony Dody (NTD Television)

Film producers and husband and wife duo Cristina Candullo and Tony Dody saw Shen Yun in West Palm Beach, Florida, on March 19.

“We just flew in from Hollywood to be here,” said Mr. Dody. “I think everybody should see it. It was really amazing, truly.”

Ms. Candullo said “beautiful” wasn’t enough to describe how amazing Shen Yun was. “It’s refreshing, even,” she said.

“I’m at a loss for words almost. It’s very inspiring to see... people who keep going despite persecution,” Ms. Candullo said. She felt the artists were truly performing “from the heart,” and it showed that they had an “ultimate purpose.”

“I think it was the second dance, the water dance with the long sleeves, I actually cried and it was before I realized how spiritual it was,” she said.

“I actually felt the emotion of the dancers. And it was like, very overwhelming, you know, so the whole concept of, you know, them being able to dance like this on stage and kind of spread their traditions and make people aware of what’s happening, it really touched me. I just felt the emotion.

“I think the miracle is in the performance, you know? I mean, it was just incredible. The way that they’re able to have control, move, the way they’re telling a story that is spiritual. It’s really inspiring,” she said.

Mr. Dody said he could feel an energy from the performers. “Everything is energy, vibration, and frequency. Everything. And when you’re there, when you’re in the audience, you feel that. You feel that synergistic effect from the stage. You do. You feel that energy. You feel very compelled for the stories that are being told. But there’s also this beautiful synergistic consciousness.

“Everyone in the audience is captivated as well, and it enlightens,” he said. “In enlightenment, it’s a beautiful energy. It’s almost meditative for the whole audience.”

“You walk out of here inspired, you walk out of here enlightened. And it’s a beautiful thing,” he said. “It was really, truly, truly impressive.”

“A Lot of Inspiration Here for My Art”

Andrea Wenckebach (NTD Television)

Andrea Wenckebach, an artist and an instructor at Georgian College, saw Shen Yun in Mississauga on March 23.

“The colors are amazing. I love the combination of colors. All the details on the costumes are fantastic. They are really spectacular,” said Ms. Wenckebach.

“Obviously, there’s a lot of inspiration here for my art. I see a lot of ideas that I can take from this and bring back into my art,” she said.

“The Joy of Real China”

Rafael Joaquín Ruiz Guzmán and Raquel Chillón (The Epoch Times)

Rafael Joaquín Ruiz Guzmán, Member of the Andalusian Parliament, Spain, and his wife Raquel Chillón, a college professor, saw Shen Yun in Sevilla on March 18.

“I felt joy – the joy of the real China. The naturalness and normality of real China. Even the fighting scenes in classical Chinese dance can make us feel relaxed. And the colors, I love the colors of Shen Yun. I love the colors of real China,” Rafael said.

“Shen Yun is a feast of beauty. So beautiful. Everything about it is so beautiful. Everything about Shen Yun is full of culture, art, and history. It is a wonderful performance that combines many stories and legends. It deeply moves people from the aspects of war, family, values, love, etc. It is a very beautiful experience,” Raquel said.

“Very Important to Us”

Philippe Metairie and his wife Sylvie (The Epoch Times)

Philippe Metairie, the commercial director of a bank in Lyon, France, and his wife Sylvie saw Shen Yun in Montpellier on March 23.

“A lot of things were shown on the stage, conveying many aspects of Chinese society, and this is what I like. These cultural heritages, life philosophies, and ways of thinking are very important to us,” Mr. Metairie said.

“In today’s real world, it’s precious to have this kind of faith. It allows us to look beyond our daily lives and find deeper connections,” he said.

“An Extremely High-quality Entertainment”

Ric and Peggy Kleine (NTD Television)

Retired engineer and company VP Ric Kleine and his wife, Peggy, a retired adjunct professor, saw Shen Yun in Indianapolis on March 22.

“We really felt it was outstanding,” Mr. Kleine said.

“It was just really very professional and it had a good message. I think that was the main thing that came out, was a very good message in terms of why we’re here, what we should be doing, how we should be living, and who we need to give praise to,” he said.

Mr. Kleine is very supportive of the performers’ mission and thinks it’s “very important” for people today.

“We’ve lost our way. I think the message was not what you have and what you accumulate here. It’s what you do for others and how you give and care. It’s the peace, the love, the caring for each other—that was the thing,” he shared.

“Today, it’s a rough world. It’s a very rough world, and we were committed to coming tonight just because of what this group represents with regards to getting… the message out of what’s really going on in China,” he said.

Mrs. Kleine, too, loved the traditional values the artists introduced and thought it’s was a shame that the communist regime destroyed all of that in their greed for total control and power.

“It’s sad because there’s so much in the culture, so rich. It was great seeing [Shen Yun] because it really highlighted the cultural aspects of China. It wasn’t an acrobatic show, it was dance and it was cultural history. It was good,” she said.

“I think that people forget what’s important, and we, maybe, are not caring about each other like we should. I thought the [spiritual] aspect of [the performance] was very good. I also think that some things need to be done in China to make things a little better for everyone,” she said.

Mr. Kleine hopes that Shen Yun will be able to bring people closer to heaven. He was very especially moved by the singer’s solo performance.

“We were reading the words and the reference that was made to atheism and evolution, I think it was very direct… We were created and we were put on this earth, and we need to recognize that and live according to what the Creator expected of us. Which is tough, but we all need to do what we can and be humble and devout,” he said.

“With this level of a production—so grand and so great—it really gives [the message] even more credibility. You got a whole culture of people that believe this, it’s not just a few people around or the churches that are saying it. It’s what we should be doing.”

He will be telling all his friends and family that Shen Yun is “an extremely high-quality entertainment but also a very ethical and moral message that the audience is given... The level of the performers is just incredible.”

“Enriching and Uplifting”

Chris Sampson (NTD Television)

Chris Sampson, a company owner, saw Shen Yun in Salt Lake City on March 23.

“It kind of guides your thoughts and your emotions toward the divine, and toward the beautiful and pure and good aspects of the divine, and the benevolence of the divine who are looking down upon us and wanting us to be good to each other, and to think well of each other, and to help one another, and to help lift each other in all the situations, in the sometimes mundane situations of our lives,” Mr. Sampson said.

“It’s a very beautiful and uplifting performance. Just enriching and uplifting. ‘Edifying’ is the word I would use,” he said.

For more information about performance times, locations, and tickets, please visit www.shenyun.com.